Modification 598 update 13 January 2016
Update Updates to modification 598 following the WG on 20th December 2016 General tidy up Legal text amendments as follows: EID 2.4.1 added - “Auctions held once in each Auction Year, in respect of Quarterly Interconnection point Capacity for each Quarter in gas Year Y+1 or Gas Year Y as applicable (“Annual Quarterly Auctions”) EID 4.4.3 – references to the auction in March 2017 removed. EID 2.1.7, 11.2.4 and 11.2.5 added to change “indicative” exit capacity prices to “final” exit capacity prices. The reserve price is now based on the published annual final not indicative price for exit capacity in the annual yearly auction for the applicable gas year.
Mod 598 Is there anything else required ? Amendments Mod 598 Actions completed Legal text provided The Annual Yearly Capacity Auction to start on the first Monday of July from 2018 onwards Four Annual Quarterly Capacity Auctions are to be held during each Gas Year commencing August 2017 onwards Is there anything else required ?