Overview of Psychosomatic Medicine Ronny Tri Wirasto
Topik What is psychosomatic medicine Controversies in psychosomatic (medicine or not) History of psychosomatic Medicine Who is in Psychosomatic Medicine Field?
What is psychosomatic medicine? Psychosomatic medicine is practiced in a variety of settings and encompasses a combination of consultative, treatment, and liaison activities focusing on a variety of clinical problems that occur in patients being treated in medical settings
Controversies Psychosomatic is derived from the Greek words psyche (soul) and soma (body) the mind affects the body to describe an individual with medical complaints that have no physical cause *misconceptualization
Relation between psychological factors and physiological phenomena in general and disease pathogenesis in particular Integrates mind and body into a psychobiological unit; to study psychological and biological processes as dynamic interacting systems.
Not diagnosis Psychosomatic : Term Model of disorder, relationship Physiological process or function Cause and effect, occurrence and symptoms Not diagnosis
Disorders described as psychosomatic in other classifications can be found here in F45.- (somatoform disorders) F50.- (eating disorders), F52.- (sexual dysfunction), and F54.- (psychological or behavioral factors associated with disorders or diseases classified elsewhere)
Psychological and behavioural factors associated with disorders or diseases classified elsewhere to record the presence of psychological or behavioural influences thought to have played a major part in the manifestation of physical disorders that can be classified by using other chapters of ICD-10 asthma (F54 plus J45.-); dermatitis and eczema (F54 plus L23-L25); gastric ulcer (F54 plus K25.-); mucous colitis (F54 plus K58.-); ulcerative colitis (F54 plus K51.-); and urticaria (F54 plus L50.-)
History Psychosomatic, terminologi Yunani kuno Psyche Soma Pertama kali disebutkan oleh Johan Christian August Heinroth (1773-1843) di Jerman Dipopulerkan oleh Jacobi Hubungan timbal balik antara psike dan soma Kemudian dipopulerkan kembali setelah PD I (1915) oleh F. Deutsch, G. Groddeck, dll Tahun 1930 Flanders Dunbar
Who is in Psychosomatic Area Psychiatrist Psychologist Neurologist Internal Medicine Cardiologist Gynecologist etc
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