Senior Class Meeting Tuesday, January 20th “Getting prepared”
FAFSA – Free Application for Federal Student Aid Scholarships LCEF now available, deadline: February 20th Scholarship days at universities/colleges (RSVP) AHS Local Scholarships available in March Check AHS Counseling Webpage for more info on scholarships FAFSA – Free Application for Federal Student Aid Complete FAFSA online, deadline for state aid is MARCH 1st Apply for a Federal Student Aid Pin (Yourself and Parent)
Obligations Cap and Gown, last day to order April EDP’s /Volunteer Hours Final Transcripts request via Senior Plans
SEE YOUR COUNSELOR.. ASAP SEE YOUR COUNSELOR.. ASAP Attendance and Grades Seniors please be aware that a drop in attendance and grades could cause a withdrawal of offer from a university.. Don’t let it happen to you…. What if….. You are denied or deferred for admission to a college /university.. SEE YOUR COUNSELOR.. ASAP What if….. You are still unsure about plans after high school… SEE YOUR COUNSELOR.. ASAP
HELP NEEDED Senior Committees See the following Class Officers if you are interested in helping President—Graduation Speaker---ideas??? Vice President--Senior night Secretary— Baccalaureate Treasurer--Senior Gifts---ideas???
YEARBOOK -Yearbooks need to be ordered by Jan 31st to get them for $55 ($65 after) online Mr.Gonzalez will be taking professional headshots on Fri 1/25, for FREE, sign up with Mrs. Miller ASAP -Senior Ads are due 2/14($100, $75, $40)--form, $, and their pics/message on this date. -Need pictures of Winter sports and random senior pictures....give to me or upload - Need "back in the day" pictures, email or give to Mrs.Miller (only 1, put name on photo, label who is in the photos)
Panoramic Picture This will be taken Monday, during 1st hour. The rest of the hour will be important graduation information. Don’t miss this!!!