Model of cooperation for the preparation of the WBD report 2005-7 Andrej Bibič Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning Republic of Slovenia
Introduction Model of cooperation between institutions depends on the structure of the report. With structure (topics) of the report the reporting institutions are (will be) defined. Slovenian legislation defines the following responsibilities: Policy measures, public tenders and requests to other ministries – Ministry for Environment Permitting (Art. 9) and all reporting arising from permitting – Environmental Agency Conservation measures (including permitting of projects and plans), state of birds, monitoring – Institute of the RS for Nature Conservation
Division of reporting tasks Ministry for Environment and Spatial Planning Other ministries Environmental Agency Institute for Nature Conservation 9
Slovenian report 2005-7 Structure of the report will be changed for the most part. The largest part of new reports will be status of bird populations (until now a minor part). Slovenian report 2005-7 already includes population sizes (per country and per SPA) and conservation status of bird populations (per SPA).
Status of bird populations Annex to the report included status of bird populations. It was prepared by the Institute of the RS for Nature Conservation. According to our legislation this is the institution for submitting conservation status, state of populations, etc to authorities. Institute prepared this part of the report in cooperation with several institutions.
Status of bird populations Institute prepared this part of the report in cooperation with: BirdLife Slovenia, park administrations, Slovenian Forestry Service, expert opinions from: University of Maribor, National Institute for Biology.
Status of bird populations Involvement of BirdLife and experts required funding (covered by the Ministry). Who assures funding for collating data on the national level and population assessments on the national level for the new report? BirdLife Slovenia, BirdLife European Programme / Commission, Ministry? Will the process of collating data and preparation of population assessments on the national level by BirdLife be inclusive or exclusive?
Assessment of status Quality of assessment of status of bird populations depends very much on monitoring efforts in previous years. Questionable status: report 2004 – 1% (N=321) report 2008 - 57% (N=321)
Other parts of the report Research and monitoring efforts There are two webtools provided by ministry, responsible for research (COBISS and SICRIS) that helped in listing bird research and studies. This part of the report has been prepared by the Institute. New reporting? Education, information and communication work This part of the report has been prepared by the Institute and completed by the Ministry. There is a danger of “advertisement” for involved organisations and problem of exclusion.
New reporting We fully support the good intentions of new reporting: joining efforts for better results, focusing on better knowledge and even better selection of priorities for work in the period following each new report