18/10/00OptiMarin AS1 OptiMar Ballast Systems
18/10/00OptiMarin AS2 Agenda Innledning OptiMar Ballast System Princess Cruises Priser og kapasiteter Test prosjekter Ny utvikling.
18/10/00OptiMarin AS3 Hvorfor behandle Ballastvann Miljø konsekvenser –Zebra muslinger Great Lakes –Comb Jelly, Svarte Havet Nye lover og regler –USA jobber med nasjonale lover samt at de ulike stater jobber lokalt med sine eks. CA, WA, –Australia og New Zealand –IMO Global Ballast Water Management Programme
18/10/00OptiMarin AS4 Alternative metoder Open Water exchange Varme behandling De oxiginisering Kjemikalier –Klor eller Hydrogen peroksyd –Ozon Seperasjon/filter og UV
18/10/00OptiMarin AS5 OptiMar Ballast System MicroKill Seperator MicroKill UV Alternative komponeter –MicroKill Filter –Seaklean (Biocide)
18/10/00OptiMarin AS6 Bakgrunn OptiMar er utviklet med bakgrunn i 20 års erfaring i fra offshore og fiskerioppdrett industrien samt ulike drikkevanns annlegg i Norge –Vann innjeksonsannlegg Elfisk
18/10/00OptiMarin AS7 OptiMar Ballast System Ballast inn –MicroKill Seperator fjerner partikler –MicroKill UV dreper eller innaktiviserer liv Ballast ut –MicroKill UV gir en 2. behandling
18/10/00OptiMarin AS8 OptiMar Ballast Systems Kapasiteter MicroKill Seperator –Kapasitet: m3/t –Materiale: Rustfritt 316 L/ CuNi 90/10 MicroKill UV –Kapasitet: 100 til 3000 m3/t –UV dose: 120 mWs/cm2 –Materiale: Rustfritt 316 L/ CuNi 90/10 –Strømbehov: 1,2 til 58 kW
18/10/00OptiMarin AS9 OptiMar Ballast Systems Priser Komplett system per pumpe. Installasjon er ikke inkludert
18/10/00OptiMarin AS10 Fordeler ved OptiMar Reduserer sedimenter i ballast tankene Enkel teknologi, ingen bevegelige deler Inkluderes i eksisterende ballast system Enkel installasjon (moduler) Lave drifts kostnader Reduserer eksos utslipp i forhold til utskifting av ballast vann
18/10/00OptiMarin AS11 Princess Cruises
18/10/00OptiMarin AS12 M/S Regal Princess Cruise/passasjer skip Passasjerer: 1600 Mannskap: 650 Ballast kapasitet: 4300 m3 Pumpe kapasitet: 200 m3/t
18/10/00OptiMarin AS13 M/S Regal Princess Installasjon under fart 2 uker, ca 150 timer Ferdig installert og satt I drift 5/4/00 Total kost installert $105,000 Full drift siden installasjonen
18/10/00OptiMarin AS14 Uttalelse fra Princess Cruises 10/10/2000 I confirm that to date we have not had any down time and it is being used for all ballast operations on and off the vessel. Lars Nordin, VP Technical Services
18/10/00OptiMarin AS15 Komponenter og Materialer MicroKill Sep Mod. 200 –Kapasitet 200 m3/t –Material: Rustfritt 316 L MicroKill UV Mod. 400-L12 –Kapasitet: 200 m3/t –UV dose: 120 mWs/cm2 –Materiale: Rustfritt 316 L –Strømbehov: 2,4 kW Rørsystemer –Ventiler, rør og rørdeler: CuNi
18/10/00OptiMarin AS16 Prosedyrer ved leveranser Opplæring ombord Ballast/ De-ballasting Vedlikehold Sampling Testing
18/10/00OptiMarin AS17 Test prosjekter Norsk Havforsknings Institutt, 1998 og 99 –Anders Jelmert Fisheries and Oceans Canada, 2000 –Terry F. Sutherland Northeast, Midwest Institute, USA 2000 og 01 –Allegra Cangelosi Regal Princess Great Lakes Ballast Tecnology Demonstration Project Pacific Ballast Water Treatment Pilot Project 2001 –Scott Smith
18/10/00OptiMarin AS18 Kopi av rapportene finnes på våre web sider eller
18/10/00OptiMarin AS19 Utvikling Microkill Seperator Videreutvikling og forsøk for Å bedre separasjonsgrad. Microkill UV Utvikling ny type UV Fra 3,6 Kw til 58 Kw pr. enhet. Bruk av medium trykkslamper med flere lamper i hvert kammer. UV dose på 147 Mws/cm2 ved 3000 M3/t ved 90% transmissjon. MicroKill Filter Bruk av filter i tillegg til Seperator Seaklean ¨Følger utviklingen, har salgsrettigheter
18/10/00OptiMarin AS20 Utvikling UV Høy kapasitet Vedlikeholdsfri operasjon Enkel utskifting av UV lamper
18/10/00OptiMarin AS21 OptiMar Prosjekter Under Utvikling
18/10/00OptiMarin AS22 International utvikling Australia PCQUSD 300,000 US Coast GuardUSD ?? US NOAA USD Singapore ETIUSD 1,500,000 New ZealandUSD ?? EU (U of N)USD 3,000,000 IMO GloballastUSD 7,600,000 Norge??
18/10/00OptiMarin AS23
18/10/00OptiMarin AS24 Ballasting Procedure Ballasting Before Pumps # 1 Pump Is Started the Following Valves Have to Be in Open Position: AZ043VF- AZ045VF, AZ052VD, And/or AZ055VD, GV/CK 1 (Manual, Normal Open- NO.) And Manual Sea Outlet AZ042VD. BFV 1, By-pass Valve Should Be Always in NC (Normally Closed) Position. BFV 2, Inlet Valve to Separator Should Be Always in NO Position. BFV 3, X-over Valve Should Be Always in CLOSES Position During Ballasting, and OPEN During deballasting. BFV 4, Outlet Valve From UV Should Be Always in NO Position. The Discharge Valve AZ 042VD Should Be Kept CLOSED When the OptiMar Ballast Systems Are Used During Discharging
18/10/00OptiMarin AS25 Ballasting Procedure Control Valve CV/CK 1 Is an Automatic Backpressure Valve With a Stop- check Feature, Which Will Be Closed Until a Preset Pilot Pressure Is Reached. Set at 1,2 Bar. The Pilot Valve Will Control the Set Pressure. The Control System Can Be Override by Closing the 2 Small Ball Valves on the Pilot Line. A Pin on Top of the Valves Will Show the Position of the Globe.
18/10/00OptiMarin AS26 Ballasting Procedure Filling System. Water Will Gravitate Into the Ballast and Treatment System and Pressurize/displace Air Out of the UV, MicroKill Separator and Pipelines Through the Air Vent Valve AV 1. The Valve Is Manually Operated. When the System Is Full of Water It Is Not Necessary to Release Air. A Small Manual Valve Is Placed on the Outlet Pipe From the UV and Can Also Be Used for Air Release. Normally This Is Only Needed When the Treatment System Has Not Been Used for Some Time and Has Been Drained. The Control Valve Will Shut Once the Pressure Is Below the Set Pressure and the Valve AZ045VF Is Closed.
18/10/00OptiMarin AS27 Ballasting Procedure Starting UV & Pump. Start MicroKill UV When the UV Chamber and Pipeline Are Filled up. See Separate Procedure for Starting the UV. Needs About 3 Minutes to Warm up Lamps.. Start Pump # 1. Water Will Be Drawn From the Sea Water X-over, Through the Strainer (Not Shown) and Pressurized Through the T-ee, BFV2 (NO), Flow Meter M1, and Into the Separator Inlet.
18/10/00OptiMarin AS28 Ballasting Procedure Separator Process. In the MicroKill Sep the water will be separated into two streams; the particles will flow along the wall of the separator and into the sludge chamber and further out through the DN 50-drain line. The pressure in the sea discharge line is the draft of the vessel, which is maximum 8,2 m. 8,2 m WC or 0,82 bar. The backpressure valve will maintain a pressure that is higher than the inlet pressure and will push the water out the discharge. This can be read on the M2. The clean water is drawn to the vortex of the separation chamber and outs through the outlet pipe in the bottom and further into the UV chamber.
18/10/00OptiMarin AS29 BALLASTING PROCEDURE SEPARATOR PROCESS CONT.. The clean part of the water will come out at the bottom outlet (DN 200) and into the UV Chamber The sludge water will be piped to the sea outlet through a flow meter (M2), a Stop/check valve, CKV2, on the downstream side of the BFV 3 valve. The clean water will pass through the MicroKill UV, which has 12 UV lamps. During the passage the water will be ultraviolet irradiated and bacteria and aquatic organisms inactivated. From the outlet of the UV chamber the UV treated water will pass CV/CK1, which maintains a preset backflow pressure, the manifold and valve AZ055VD/ AZ052VD, into the ring mains and further into the ballast main line.
18/10/00OptiMarin AS30 DE-BALLASTING PROCEDURES Starting up. Open valve, BFV3, manually. Close valve CV/CK 1. Open all valves for normal ballasting. DO NOT OPEN AZ044VD. Check for air in the separator and UV. Start MicroKill UV. Needs about 3 minutes to warm up lamps Start Pump # 1 CV/CK1 will gradually open as pressure builds up to preset pressure Water will be drawn from the Main Ballast line and pumped through the AZ 045VD, MANIFOLD, M1, the MicroKill UV, CV/CK1, BFV3, & AZ042VD to the sea
18/10/00OptiMarin AS31 DRAINING THE SYSTEM. FOR REPLACEMENT OF QUARTS SLEEVES etc. a) Close BF2 & BF4. B) Open small drain valve underneath the UV C) Open Air release valve AV1 to let air into the separator. TO COMPLETELY EMPTY THE SYSTEM. A) Close AZ045VD and BF3. B) Open all other valves C) Put in 1,2 bar max. airpressure on vent valve. D) All water will be drained out through the drain pipe and overboard. E) Release air out of the system.
18/10/00OptiMarin AS32 SAMPLING. There are 3 sampling points, S1 - S2- S3. Samplings should be taken at the same time from all 3 points. For microbiological tests sampling points and bottles must be sterilized. At least 3 samples must be taken within a few minutes to get a good average sample. For particle tests only clean bottles are required.
18/10/00OptiMarin AS33 SECTION 4. BALLAST WATER Management Total No. of tanks to be discharged inside the United States EEZ or into an approved reception facility. Of tanks to be discharged, how many Underwent Exchange: Of tanks to be discharged, how many Underwent Alternative Management: Please specify alternative method(s) used, if any: Specifically, describe methods (other than exchange) used for ballast management. If no ballast treatment conducted, state reason why not: This applies to all tanks and holds being discharged into waters of the United States or into an approved reception facility. Ballast Management Plan on board?: Is there a written document on board, specific to your vessel, describing the procedure for ballast management? This should include safety and exchange procedures (usually provided by vessels owner or operator). Check Yes or No.
18/10/00OptiMarin AS34 TESTING Started pump #1 and pumped water sea-sea in the port of Mazatlan. The port water was brownish in color. The Port of Mazatlan is a narrow channel, about 350-m wide with a dept of 11 m. The vessels draft was about 8 m. There are a number of fish receiving and manufacturing plants inn the inner harbour. We assume that the washing and process water from the plants are dropped into the harbour. Samples were taken at 13:00 hrs. and a turbidity of 6,61 FTU was measured on separator inlet. Outlet from the UV was 6,48 and outlet drain 8,61. Samples were taken in 3 transparent plastic bottles from each sampling outlet and a 4th bottle with potable water from tap as reference. The seawater samples were slightly brownish compared to the reference water. No visible particles, which means that the size must be less than microns.
18/10/00OptiMarin AS35 Testing cont. New samples were taken at 18:00 hrs when the vessel departed from the berth and was agitating mud etc. from the harbour bed with the side trusters and main propellers. Inlet turbidity was; 7,04 FTU, after UV/separator; 5,26 and in the drain; 7,41. The 25% reduction in turbidity must be due to larger particles has been agitated from the harbour bottom by the propellers. This was also the intention of the test. After 2 days there were settlement of particles on the bottom of the bottles. A particle analyze of the samples will confirm the assumption.