Session A District 5240 Global Grant Policies and Procedures 4/13/2013
District 5240 Global Grant Policies 2013-14 Introduction and Overview How were decisions reached? Will there be changes next year? The complete Policies and Procedures have been posted on the district website at We know that some clubs have already begun planning Global Grants. Individual questions are always welcome at any time. How were decisions reached? A committee of district leaders has been meeting for the past 18 months. We studied the policies of a variety of pilot districts that were using Global Grants. We had long and detailed discussions about how different policies and financing models would affect our clubs’ ability to sponsor a Global Grant. We came to a consensus decision about what the best policies would be for 2013-14. Will there be changes in 2014-15? The same team of district leaders will remain in place for 2014-15. We are all learning together. Just as we require clubs to evaluate the impact of their grants, the team will conduct on-going evaluations of what is going well and what needs to be improved. We will be open to your comments and suggestions. 4/13/2013
Financing a D-5240 Global Grant Policies D-5240 Policy: DDF will be matched $ for $ with cash TRF requirement: minimum TRF Match = $15,000 Minimum Financing Model Minimum Global Grant = $35,000 Cash $10,000 DDF $10,000 TRF Match $ 5,000 TRF Match $10,000 Total $15,000 Total $20,000 Total Grant $35,000 Total TRF $15,000 Some of you may have heard that the minimum Global Grant is $30,000. There are many districts in the Rotary world that finance Global Grants only with DDF. They do not require a cash match. If a grant authorizes $15,000 DDF to be used & there is no cash match required, then the total grant would be $30,000 including the TRF $ for $ match for DDF. District 5240 requires that DDF be matched by cash on a $ for $ basis. TRF requires that the minimum amount that can be requested from TRF for a Global Grant is $15,000. You can see in the Minimum Financing Model that the smallest Global Grant in our district will be $35,000. 4/13/2013
How Will Clubs Get DDF Maximum of $18,000 DDF per Global Grant No allocation of DDF based on APF Giving Benefits: Enables both large and small clubs to sponsor Global Grants Avoids requiring clubs to contribute cash in excess of $18,000 for each Global Grant Promotes collaboration to aggregate minimum cash contribution How will clubs get DDF? D-5240 will have approximately $120,000 DDF for Global Grants. The maximum DDF that a club can request will be $18,000 DDF per Global Grant. There will be no club allocation of DDF based on past APF giving. What are the benefits of making DDF available in this manner? It enables both large and small clubs to have equal access to DDF and enough DDF to sponsor a typical Global Grant. It avoids the need for clubs to compete with each other in order to get enough DDF to do a significant grant. During Future Vision, the typical Global Grant has been $62,000. With this system, our clubs will be able to finance what has been the “typical” Global Grant. We anticipate that the number of Global Grants that the District will help finance with DDF will be in the range of 8-12 during 2013-14. To date, 15 clubs have indicated that they are planning to write and submit a Global Grant. THERE WILL BE COMPETITION FOR SCARCE FUNDS! It avoids requiring clubs to contribute cash in excess of $18,000 for each Global Grant which would be the case if D-5240 made less DDF available for each grant. It promotes club collaboration to aggregate enough cash for the minimum cash contribution. 4/13/2013
Obtaining DDF For Your GG The total amount of DDF for Global Grants will be divided into 4 equal amounts. One Fourth of the total DDF will be available to clubs on a quarterly basis. Why? Avoids “shark feeding” Ensures that DDF will be available for the entire year Any uncommitted DDF will be rolled over to the next quarter 4/13/2013
How to Submit a GG to D5240 Use GG form found on district website. Only electronic submissions will be reviewed. The only way to get D5240 DDF is to submit it to the Global Grants Committee for review Quarterly review of GGs by committee August 15 November 15 February 15 May 15 The committee will only review completed grants for the purpose of DDF awards 4/13/2013
How Will GGs Be Evaluated? If there is enough DDF available in the quarter in which you submit your GG, it will be evaluated solely on TRF requirements for GGs If the request for DDF exceeds the amount available in any given quarter, the GG will be evaluated on a merit basis 4/13/2013
Elements of Merit Review Planning for the GG: Community Needs Assessment Role of beneficiaries in planning and implementing the project Elements of Sustainability Identification of goals pertaining to Areas of Focus Communication plan and documentation of communication Implementation of the GG Project work plan Evaluation criteria for project Plans for monitoring the project 4/13/2013