Quick Start Guide Archive GM Pro 7.4
In this presentation, we LEARN how: Open the archive Filter the records Sort the records Adjust the table Open an old test Combine different tests
Open the archive Click on Archive
Fill the filter criteria Filter the records Fill the filter criteria
Filter the records Click on Filter
Click on small black arrow Hide the columns Click on small black arrow
Uncheck the results to hide Hide the columns Uncheck the results to hide
Hide the columns Click on OK
Drag the right side of the column to change the size Resize columns Drag the right side of the column to change the size
Click on the column title to order the table Change order records Click on the column title to order the table
Click on the same column to change the sort direction Change order records Click on the same column to change the sort direction
Table adjusted
Open an old test Select a test
Open an old test Click on Open
Open an old test
Combine different tests Select the records Hold SHIFT and click for adjacent records
Combine different tests Select the records Hold CTRL and click for nonadjacent records
Combine different tests Click on Open
Combine different tests