English/ Language Arts July 31st, 2017
Welcome to English/ Language Arts NORMS: Time: 5 Minutes Movement: Find your seat quickly, safely Voice: Silent Purpose: Prep for the day Silently enter the room and find a seat at the table assigned to you. Create a name tent, with your name (first name + last initial) written clearly on BOTH sides. INSIDE your name tent: Tell me about the best vacation you ever took (2-3 sentences, add a picture if you have time).
Wheels up in 5 NORMS: Time: 5 Minutes Movement: In your seat Voice: Silent Purpose: Launch!
Where are we going in ELA? Our Suitcase Introduction
Let’s Review: Supplies Two composition notebooks One homework folder (heavy duty, two pockets) Notebook paper Pen (black or blue) and pencil Independent reading book Strongly recommended: Colored pencils, handheld pencil sharpener, scissors, ruler, tape, snack (not messy), water bottle
Pack your bags, folks NORMS: Time: 10 Minutes Movement: In your seat Voice: Silent Purpose: Introduce yourselves to me. Follow the directions on your handout to create your own suit case introduction. Think about: What items are important to you?
Exit Procedure NORMS: Time: 1 Minute Movement: Leave quickly, safely Voice: Moderate Purpose: Get out of class. I say “Pack up.” You pack up your things, and stand next to your seat. I say “Have a nice day.” You head to your next class quietly.