Virgil I. Grissom Elementary Ploting a Course to College and Beyond! School Profile Myra L. Hardwick EDUC 6331 Administrative Internship Dr. Eduardo Torres
Basic Facts Grissom Elementary is a Houston Independent School District campus. Grade levels: EE-5 Principal: James S. Rippard Assistant Principal: Shelia M. Edwards Instructional Coordinator: Edgar Pacheco School Secretary: Tracy Hudson
More Basic Facts Address and telephone numbers: 4900 Simsbrook Dr. Houston, Tx 77045-5321 (713) 434- 5660 (713) 434-5668 Fax HISD Rt. 2 Campus Number: 262
Student Profile Enrollment: 790 Gender: Female:51% Male: 49% Race/Ethnicity: African American: 40% Hispanic: 59% White: 1% Other: 0%
Students by Program Bilingual: 42% ESL: 0% Gifted/Talented: 6% Special Education: 7% Title I: 100% Free/Reduced Lunch: 98% Limited English (LEP): 46% At-Risk: 82%
Student Outcomes Attendance Rate: 95.5% Promotion Rate: 98.5% Disciplinary Actions: In-School Suspensions: 1 Out-of-School Suspension: 49 Expulsions: 0 Alternative Placement: 2 Total Number: 52
TEA Accountability Texas Education Agency Accountability Rate: Academically Acceptable The goal of all Grissom’s students and staff members is to become Exemplary this school year.
School-Based Programs Special Education: PPCD Resource Speech Therapy Advanced Academics: Vanguard Neighborhood Multilingual: Developmental Bilingual Program
Teacher and Staff Profile Number of teachers: 47 Gender: Female: 85% Male: 15% Ethnicity: African American: 55% Hispanic: 38% White: 4% Other: 3%
Teachers by Program Regular and Bilingual: 98% Special Education: 2%
Teacher Experience Average Experience: 9 years Years of Experience: 5 or less: 42% 6 to 10: 32% 11 or more: 26%
Teacher Attendance Rate and Advanced Degrees Master’s: 34% Doctorate: 2%
Other Staff Counselors: 1 Assistant Principals: 1 Other Professional Staff: 2 Educational Aides: 6
School Clubs Spanish Club Chess Club Dance Club Soccer Club Photography Club
Photo of Grissom Elementary School
Academics TAKS Passing Percentage (English): Grade 3: Reading: 81% Math: 63% Commended: 15% Reading 10% Math Grade 4: Reading: 79% Math: 77% Writing: 88% Commended: 25% Reading 12% Math 23% Writing
Academics Grade 5: Reading: 79% Math: 80%
Academics TAKS Passing Percentage (Spanish): Grade 3: Reading: 98% Math: 100% Commended: 73% Reading 72% Math Grade 4: Reading: 85% Math: 75% Writing: 98% Commended: 43% Reading 48% Math 58% Writing
Stanford/Aprenda: Reading and Math Passing Percentages Grade Reading % Math % 1 (S) 41 43 1 (A) 77 69 2 (S) 32 34 2 (A) 74 74 3 (S) 35 45 3 (A) 81 82 4 (S) 40 48 4 (A) 69 81
Grissom Student Showing Project
Grissom’s Regular Third Grade Class after an Outdoor Activity