Movements for Change Grade 8 Social Studies
Time Are A-Changing As we have been learning throughout the year, there have been many inequalities in our past. During the 1960s and 1970s these social inequalities became more controversial. Groups were finally organizing, stepping up and demanding change.
Civil Rights Movement What are civil rights? Viola Desmond xk9Odkfhuw
Multiculturalism 1971, Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau challenged Canadians to accept the idea of all cultures participating in all parts of Canadian society (government, work, education, etc.)
Women’s Movement Traditionally, women’s roles were seen only in the home, in the domestic sense; this means that they were expected to get married, stay home and raise the children, and cook and clean, and so on. In the 1960s, women began to challenge this idea.
First Nations Issues Since the first Treaties were made, we have seen the First Nations struggle as a group to maintain their independence, their lands and the right to govern themselves. The struggles continued into the 1950s and 1960s.