e-Portfolio – Trainee Tips
Tips for 2014/15 These tips aren’t exhaustive and should help avoid a few problems Remind consultants to complete your WPBAs Start early with WPBAs
‘My Details’ In ‘My Details’ section in the top right of screen Ensure you have the correct Educational Supervisor and College Tutor This creates your ESSR with the correct names Check your training year
ARCP Record Make sure that your ARCP folder is open and ready to receive/populate for this year Note your cut off date Set a reminder in your diary 8 weeks before this to make sure you start your MSF by then The cut off is 8 days before your ARCP
ARCP Record Eyeball what is green and red Gives you an idea of which sub-specialities need attention / further WPBAs Have a think about what can be done in each hospital Especially useful for St3 and St4 as some specialities can’t be covered in some hospitals
Associate each WPBA to as many parts of the curriculum as is feasible This helps your ARCP record go green Remember to assign each WPBA to this year’s ARCP record Under the Assessment Tools ‘tab’ and then Complete assessment Tools ‘tab’ Check the corresponding boxes and assign them to your ARCP
ESSR You can open your ESSR at anytime It says you can’t edit it once submitted (that is to your College Tutor at the end of the year) If you switch hospitals You can delete an ESSR without a problem It will re-populate with all your WBPAs and Activities automatically You will lose all the parts that you have ‘hand-typed’ in Make sure you have the correct College Tutor and Educational Supervisor
MSFs For people who have their ARCP in soon start now This will take about 6 weeks from when you send out the emails requesting people to do this (we all know what we are like about filling in forms) You don’t have to just use people you are working with at your current hospital
Unit of Training Sign Offs Any consultant can do this for you Although they may need to be reminded that thy can. More commonly the lead could complete it for you Show them your workbook to illustrate what you have completed This makes the ESSR / clinical tutor meeting quick to do
Activities Use this to add personal activities For example Courses Weekly departmental teaching Exams This is generally just a good place to put everything you do to show you keep up-to-date Upload your ‘evidence’ and link this to your activity
Library and Evidence Upload documents / certificates to your library It is also a good place to store you info for each job Ie immunisations / CRB check documents You then have them as a resource to send to HR for the next job Once uploaded you can link the evidence to your activity
Questions? Hopefully this is all just a reminder and nothing too new I’m sure everyone is well underway with their ARCP records This is just a reminder to do things early And that the ARCP record closes 8 days prior to your ARCP You will need to be signed off by the College Tutor before this 8 day mark If you are on or planning an OOPT/E you will need to do paper WPBAs and upload them Overseas assessors will not be allowed to be electronic assessors at present
Coming Soon…. New from the e-portfolio meeting at the RCoA in October Soon trainers will be able to ‘View Portfolio’ ‘Public Evidence’ option will be removed from the library Make sure you have swapped a copy into you personal evidence Trainees will be able to ‘recall’ pending assessments and resend them To generate a new email in the assessor’s inbox
E-Portfolio Champions If you have further questions contact you ‘Champion’ in each Trust as a first port of call It is very likely that your issue has happened to someone else already and there is an answer These Champions are NBT Southmead – Jeremy Astin GRH / CGH Gloucester / Cheltenham – Liz Hood RUH Bath – Alex Looseley GWH Swindon – Neil Kellie WGH Weston – Katie Foy YDH Yeovil – Emma Ginn UHB – Toby Jacobs
Further Help If your local champion doesn’t know an answer they can contact me Other trainees in other trusts may have had a similar issue I might know or I’ll ask the college A good resource is the RCOA E-Portfolio login page ‘guidance notes’ http://www.rcoa.ac.uk/trainee-e-portfolio/guidance-notes