West Midlands AAC CEN 14/6/17 9.30am – 3.30pm Provisional programme The main theme is Adults with Acquired conditions related to BI CEN AGM The Supplier presentation will be Liberator on Aphasia vocabulary on NovaChat devices Presentation from SLT Nick Cox on his client with Aphasia who has used the vocabulary above Journal article discussion Using Visual Scene Displays as Communication Support Options for People with Chronic, Severe Aphasia: A Summary of AAC Research and Future Research Directions see notes Presentation from young adult AAC user from Wolverhampton ACT reports consultation WM AAC Care pathway/EOR update To book places contact terri.kelly@bhamcommunity.nhs.uk Cost: Free for Members Membership for 1 year £5 Please pass on the invitation to colleagues Venue: St Lazar Church Hall, 92 Griffins Brook Lane, Bournville, Birmingham, B30 1QG. The Church Hall is situated behind the main Church in a separate building. Lunch is not provided, so please bring a packed lunch. Guidance about how to get this article via RCSLT website log in will be provided with agenda so you can read it first.