Why do tensions lessen between the US & Communist World?


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Presentation transcript:

Why do tensions lessen between the US & Communist World? Cold War Thaws Why do tensions lessen between the US & Communist World?

I. Nixon Visits China A. Early 70s: President Richard Nixon begins a policy called détente (lessen tensions with Communist world) B. 1972: Nixon travels to People’s Republic of China 1. Nixon formally recognizes the PRC, UN admits PRC II. Nixon in Soviet Union 1. Nixon goes to Moscow 2. Nixon & Brezhnev sign a nuclear reduction agreement called SALT

III. Collapse of Détente A. 1979: Brezhnev signs SALT II treaty with President Jimmy Carter B. 1981: staunch anti-communist Ronald Reagan becomes president 1. Reagan calls Soviet Union an “Evil Empire” C. Abandons detente, starts a new arms race and aid to those who fight communism

1. Identify objects, words & symbols 2. Identify actions. 3. What point is the cartoonist making about détente?