Nine Steps of the Scientific Method State the Problem Research the Problem Form a Hypothesis Write Down Experimental Procedures Perform the Experiment Observe and Record Data Interpret the Data State the Conclusion Communicate Results
State the Problem Begin with a solid problem or question Choose something that can be objectively measured
Research the Problem Consult a wide variety of resources on the topic Take notes and study the existing data
Form a Hypothesis Turn the hypothesis into a statement, not a question, that you think solves the problem, answers the question, or accurately makes a prediction Your hypothesis should be based on the research, prior observations, and personal experience
Write Down the Procedures List the procedures and materials that test your hypothesis Safe for you, others, and the environment
Perform the Experiment Gather materials and follow written procedures Note any steps that vary from your written procedures
Observe and Record the Experimental Results Observe the experiment and the changes that occur Record the data accurately and honestly
Interpret the Data Analyze the recorded findings Organize the recorded data into a chart, graph, or table
State the Conclusion Summarize your findings Write a statement that supports or disproves your original hypothesis Pose new questions raised by your conclusions
Research and Lab Journal Communicate Results Display that visually communicates all crucial steps in the investigation, must include photographs Research Notebook that addresses all required protocol forms and every step of the investigation Research and Lab Journal Prepared Verbal Presentation and the Ability to Answer Relevant Questions