Hi my name is Kavionna Patterson and my power point is going to be based on the kkk group and slaves back in the day
Most of the man in kkk had to wear all white long robes and pointy hats here are some pictures
This is one of the pictures of the kkk flag.
Slaves were very badly beat here are some pictures
Members of the kkk often bombed black people houses and burned crosses.
The Sixteenth Street Baptist Church in Birmingham Alabama was used as a meeting-place for civil rights leaders such as Martin Luther King, Ralph David Abernathy and Fred Shutterworth. It was bomed in 1963 four young girls was killed and the kkk was suspected suspects.
In 1915, the second Klan was founded in Georgia In 1915, the second Klan was founded in Georgia. Starting in 1921, it adopted a modern business system of recruiting which paid most of the initiation fee and costume Reflecting the social tensions of urban industrialization and vastly increased immigration, its membership grew most rapidly in cities, and spread to the midwest and west out of the south the second kkk preached demanded the purification of politics calling for strict morality and better enforcement of prohibittion . Charges to the organizers and grew rapidly nationwide at a time of prosperity.
Facts about the kkk 1869. From 1868-1870, federal troops withdrawn from the South and the Klan was dominated by rougher elements of the society, who didn't believe in the Klan's doctrine but were psychos that found joy in killing innocent people. Grand Wizard Nathan Bedford Forrest felt that the Klan was getting corrupt, and officially disbanded it in 1869. Local organizations, known as Klaverns, however, continued to act on their own, calling and considering themselves members of the Klan. The concept of the burning cross was to spread the light of Christ into the world of ignorance more realistically, spread the light of white superiority into the world of "ignorant" blacks. However, when cross burnings didn't stop, civil rights activists (Black leaders and lawyers, especially Jewish ones, the Klan went on to beatings and public whippings. Lynchings were usually used on blacks.
Ending I thank every body that read my power point it tooked me a very long time to do it and I worked very hard thanks and I hope u enjoyed it as much as I did.