Political Consultants How do political consultants help construct a politician’s political narrative?
Do Now: Analyze this cartoon! What is the cartoonist trying to convey?
Who helps politicians strategize? Political Consultants are used to help guide candidates, political parties, and interest groups through elections. Essentially, they market the politician to get the votes they need to win elections.
Political Consultants Launch a Marketing Strategy
It’s very similar to marketing products! Marketers use the “buying funnel” to target interested consumers to purchase products. Political consultants use similar principles to target voters and win elections.
Services come at a high price! $2.6 billion was spent in 2012 by Obama and Romney Most of these funds go to direct-mail and TV ads BUT a good portion of these funds pay for political consultants!
Let’s look at a case study!
John Kerry: 2004 Election 2004 Election between John Kerry and the incumbent President George Bush First election post 9/11! John Kerry’s campaign started to sell him as a wartime Vietnam hero! Backlash began when it was revealed that Kerry started an anti-war campaign after returning home Spoke in front of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee!
Reactions Political Action Committee (PAC) Veteran’s group called Swift Boat Veterans for Truth started attacking Kerry’s claim as a wartime hero Reported that wealthy Texan donors who supported Bush had supported the group in their attack of Kerry
If you were a top political consultant advising the Kerry Campaign, how would you respond to these challenges?
Kerry’s Response Message: “Stronger, safer, more secure America.” “We have to get back to dreaming again.” Additionally: Kerry campaign assembled a group of veterans who had served with the candidate to travel the country (called the “Band of Brothers”) Band of Brothers helped reach veterans and blue- collar voters
What went wrong? Kerry’s political consultants failed him! Campaign Consultants Mary Beth Cahill and Bob Shrum advocated that the Kerry camp not respond to the Swift Vet Ads! (Only appealed to Republicans) Consultants also encouraged Kerry’s close family and friends NOT to speak on his behalf! Communications Director Stephanie Cutter had poor relations with the media and news outlets!
George W. Bush wins the 2004 election against Kerry! Result? George W. Bush wins the 2004 election against Kerry!
How does this pertain to the 2016 election? Trump had a bit of an issue with his image. Clinton could not connect with certain voters.
The Challenge! Refer to your notes from yesterday! Who did the political ads fail to reach? If you were a political consultant, how would you tailor the message to target these voters?
The Challenge? Who does Clinton need to target? Rural residents Blue- Collar workers High-school educated males Bernie/3rd party supporters Other independent/ undecided voters Who does Trump need to target? Women Minority Groups (especially African Americans and Latinos) College Educated Young People (Millennials)
Summary! Why was the Trump campaign strategy ultimately more effective than Clinton’s?