Do Now If there was an alien invasion and all humans were taken to a planet far far away, what do you think would happen on planet Earth? Explain in 5 to 8 sentences what would happen in nature if humans disappeared? (8 mins)
Date: 30 August 2018 Standard: HS-LS2 Date: 30 August 2018 Standard: HS-LS2.2 – Use mathematical representations to support and revise explanations based on evidence about factors affecting biodiversity and populations in ecosystems of different scales. Objective: Students will critically examine The Lorax piece and explain its relation to biodiversity and environmental sustainability. Do Now Activity 1: Pair share “Do Now” answers (3 mins) Activity 2: Video Clip: After watching the video clip about “What would happen if humans disappeared”, how has your opinion changed? What have you learned? Activity 3: Video Clip: The Lorax Answer the questions on The Lorax handout as you watch the video. (This will be graded!)
Activity 1: Pair and Share (3 mins) Pair up with someone at your table and share your opinions of what you think will happen if all humans disappeared from planet Earth.
Activity 2 (5 mins) Video Clip: After watching the video clip about “What would happen if humans disappeared”, how has your opinion changed? What have you learned? Write your responses in your notebook.
Activity 3: The Lorax Video Clip: The Lorax Answer the questions on The Lorax handout as you watch the video. (This will be graded!)