Traffic Control Devices Consortium Pooled Fund Study June 2007 Co-Chairs: Scott Wainwright (FHWA) Scott Thorson (Nevada DOT) Technical Liaisons: Thomas Granda (FHWA) Bryan Katz (SAIC)
2 TCD PFS Members FHWA Office of Operations Office of Safety Eastern Federal Lands Local DOTs Los Angeles DOT Broward County DOT Organizations American Traffic Safety Services Association (ATSSA) State DOTs California DOT Florida DOT Georgia DOT Iowa DOT Illinois DOT Kansas DOT Mississippi DOT Missouri DOT Nebraska DOT New Hampshire DOT New Jersey DOT Nevada DOT New York DOT North Carolina DOT Pennsylvania DOT South Carolina DOT Texas DOT Wisconsin DOT
3 Completed Projects Pavement Markings for Speed Reduction Colors for Transponder-Controlled Tollbooth Lanes Navigation Signing for Roundabouts Pedestrian Countdown vs. Flashing Dont Walk
4 Current Projects Evaluation of Selected Symbol Signs (To be completed Summer 2007) Stutter Flash for Flashing Beacons at Unsignalized Pedestrian Crossings (To be completed Fall 2007) Diagrammatic Freeway Guide Sign Design (To be completed Summer 2007) Lane Restriction Marking and Signing for Double-Lane Roundabouts (To be completed Summer 2007) Analysis of Enlarged Pedestrian Signal Heads (To be completed Summer 2007) Warning Sign Legends for Emergency Incidents (In contracting phase, to begin Summer 2007)
5 Evaluation of Selected Symbol Signs Research Goals Evaluate a series of symbols to determine the best symbol for various information based on driver comprehension and legibility Research Tasks: Review of Symbols Used Determine Alternatives Comprehension Test Conspicuity and Legibility Test Final Report Principal Investigators: Bryan Katz and Gene Hawkins
6 Evaluation of Selected Symbol Signs: Candidate Ferry Symbols
7 Evaluation of Selected Symbol Signs: Motorist Information
8 Evaluation of Selected Symbol Signs: Motorcycle Warning
9 Evaluation of Selected Symbol Signs: Object Marker
10 Evaluation of Selected Symbol Signs: Automated Enforcement
11 Evaluation of Selected Symbol Signs: Car Rental
12 Evaluation of Selected Symbol Signs: School Bus Stop Ahead
13 Evaluation of Selected Symbol Signs: Truck Electrification
14 Evaluation of Selected Symbol Signs: Truck Parking
15 Evaluation of Selected Symbol Signs: Wireless Internet Access
16 Stutter Flash for Flashing Beacons at Unsignalized Pedestrian Crossings Research Question Can the effectiveness of the overhead flashing beacon be enhanced by replacing the traditional slow flashing incandescent lamps with rapid flashing LED lamps? Research Team Texas Transportation Institute
17 Diagrammatic Freeway Guide Sign Design Research Question Are enhanced diagrammatic freeway guide signs with wider arrows or signs with upward pointing arrows more effective than the standard MUTCD diagrammatic guide signs? Principal Investigator Gary Golembiewski
18 Diagrammatic Freeway Guide Sign Design
19 Lane Restriction Marking and Signing for Double- Lane Roundabouts Research Question What are the differences in driver behavior and comprehension of standard versus fishhook- style roundabout signs and markings? Principal Investigators John Molino and Bryan Katz
20 Lane Restriction Signing and Marking Double-lane roundabouts 5 Different Signing and Marking Schemes –MUTCD Standard (with words) –MUTCD Enhanced –Fishhook – Standard –Fishhook – Enhanced (with words) –Destination Lane Restriction Lane Restriction Marking and Signing for Double- Lane Roundabouts
21 Analysis of Enlarged Pedestrian Signal Heads Research Question What are the factors and visual characteristics that must be considered when implementing enlarged pedestrian signal heads? Principal Investigator John Molino
22 Future Projects (Not Finalized) Determination of standard formats for guide signs Combined Lane-Use and Destination Signing Centerline Rumble Strips Evaluation of International Symbols for US Use Evaluation of Longitudinal Channelizing Barricade Effectiveness
23 Questions? For further information, contact: Thomas Granda (202) Bryan Katz (202)