BACK-TO-SCHOOL-NIGHT 2018-2019 WELCOME EIGHTH GRADE PARENTS Mrs. Negron-Santana 8th Grade School Counselor
Student Services Programs Peer Groups Conflict Resolution Study/ Organizational Skills Mentoring Parent/Teacher Conferences Team Meetings I&RS Testing & Scheduling * *
Marlboro High School Home high school and MHS will create a 9th grade schedule for each student Gen Ed: Use Naviance/Genesis for the scheduling/registration process Special Ed: Students schedule directly with the HS Child Study Team
Marlboro High School Challenging four-year curriculum AP & Honors Courses in World Lang., Math, History, English Lit, Art, Sciences, Economics, Psych, & Government. College courses through an articulation agreement with Brookdale College.
Marlboro High School Wide selection of athletic and extracurricular opportunities. Variety of social organizations and service clubs Over 98% of graduates go on to post- secondary education & are accepted into highly competitive colleges and universities.
Freehold Regional High School District Marlboro High School is a part of the Freehold Regional High School District
FRHSD Magnet Programs Business Administration- MHS Global Studies-FTHS Humanities-HHS Law & Public Service-CNHS Medical Science-FBHS Science & Engineering-MANALAPAN HS
FRHSD Magnet Programs Animal & Botanical Sciences-FTHS Computer Science-FBHS Culinary Arts & Hospitality Management-FBHS Fine & Performing Arts-HHS Navy JROTC-CNHS Law Enforcement & Public Safety-Manalapan HS
FRHSD Magnet Programs Specialized programs that students have to apply to and be accepted to attend. Three Programs require Algebra I (Math C) in 8th grade: Computer Science Medical Sciences Science and Engineering Business Administration-NO LONGER REQUIRES ALG 1 Open houses begin this week,please attend with your child
Freehold Regional High School District Application Process Student’s Responsibilities: For the online application: Student contact information including a parent/guardian email address Student’s choice of up to 2 programs One student essay for each program A list of activities and interests Asking teachers for recommendations (2) use the email address Entrance exam Audition for FPA Interview for Navy JROTC
FRHSD Important Application Dates/Timeline -October 1st - Online Application Opens -November 12th -Application completion deadline -November 30th-Recommenders must complete recommendations -December 1st -Entrance Exam -December 10th-Make-Up Session -January-Fine & Perf Arts Auditions AND ROTC Interviews -Mid-February - Status Notification
INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE PROGRAM at FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP HIGH SCHOOL The International Baccalaureate Program (IB) Diploma Program is a two-year course of study in the junior and senior years. Students learn to explore and understand the world around them through inquiry, critical thinking and open-mindedness. Interested eighth graders (Class of 2023) must fill out an interest form online by January 31, 2019 at following the IB Information Session on November 13th at FTHS @ 6:00 PM. To learn more please attend the information session or visit
Monmouth County Vocational School District Career Academies The Academy of Allied Health and Science- Neptune Biotechnology HS-Freehold Communications HS-Wall High Technology HS-Lincroft Marine Academy of Science and Technology- Sandy Hook
Monmouth County Vocational School District Information Student’s Responsibilities: MUST ATTEND the information session for the school student is applying to Student can only apply to one program Complete online application by December 7, 2018 Submit transcript request to Mrs. Negron- Santana by December 11, 2018 Take the admissions exam on January 26, 2019.
8th Graders Applying to FRHSD and/or MCVSD Open Houses Beginning September 26th FRHSD and MCVSD Info Sessions for students at MMMS was held on 9/24/18 (Handouts provided) Student Info Sessions w/ Counselor to discuss application process and answer questions Links to HS webpages in email sent to parents 9/7/18 Remind App- Please join the EIGHTH GRADE CLASS OF 2019... Type # 81010 and in message box type @cnegrons and hit send to join class
Private High Schools *Make sure to visit their web-sites for information regarding their application process, deadlines, and open house dates. *Please give teachers and counselor at least two weeks prior to due date for recommendation and transcript requests.
Thank you and looking forward to working with you again….. CONTACT INFO: (732) 972-7115 ext 6917 HAVE A GREAT NIGHT!