Ad-hoc Activity: Biodiversity and Water Progress Report Strategic Coordination Group Meeting 10-11 November 2010 Ursula Schmedtje Water unit D.1 DG Environment, European Commission
Discussion of follow-up Ad-hoc activity “Biodiversity and Water” Workshop held in spring 2010 Discussion at last SCG Meeting on type of follow-up Conclusions an expert group on biodiversity and water should not be created due to the limited human and financial resources available in the Member States. Favourable opinion for creating an expert network that would consist of experts working on water, nature and the marine. Joint Meeting of Water, Marine and Nature Directors may be considered in the future, e.g. in 2012
FAQ Paper The FAQ Paper is currently being revised to include comments by Member States and stakeholders (water and nature units) integrate illustrative examples/case studies (water and nature units) include the relevant questions related to the MSFD (marine and nature units) include relevant questions related to terrestrial ecosystems dependent on water (nature and water units)
Proposal for follow-up activity Proposal to create an expert network to exchange information e.g. on best practice examples, existing guidance documents, workshops consult documents prepared under the CIS, e.g. the FAQ paper now under revision or the policy summary paper requested by workshop participants prepare dedicated workshops. Meetings could be convened for workshop preparation based on voluntary participation. Since marine issues could not really be addressed at the first workshop held in June the next workshop could be focus on marine issues.
Next steps The SCG is invited to discuss and agree on A similar paper will be presented to the Marine Strategic Coordination Group on 15 November the Coordination Group - Biodiversity and Nature (CGBN) The SCG is invited to discuss and agree on the follow-up of this activity in order to forward the proposal to the Water and Marine Directors for agreement at their meeting in Spa (2-3 December 2010)