1 year warranty if order after April 1st 2008 Seco point Claim 1 year warranty if order after April 1st 2008 3 years warranty if order before April 1st 2008
Claim process Seco Point Customer reports a problem. Seco point key user establish a broken part Enter a QCR/claim report in Notes Order a new part If the product is covered by warranty we will acept the QCR/Claim and you will have credit for the new product you have ordered. Serial/ID number and customer name must be in the report. If the product have been broken by customer you will not have credit for the broken product. If the product is not covered by warranty you will not get credit.
Seco Inquiry Step 1 Main or Aux WHERE ARE WE? => WHERE ARE WE GOING? => HOW DO WE GET THERE?
Seco Inquiry Step2 If you choose main you are able to add the different accessories WHERE ARE WE? => WHERE ARE WE GOING? => HOW DO WE GET THERE?
Seco Inquiry Step3 Now you have to choose the drawers you would like to have in your Cabinet (Note: the total height must be 1050mm, the system will automatically show the space you have left) WHERE ARE WE? => WHERE ARE WE GOING? => HOW DO WE GET THERE?
Seco Inquiry Step4 When you have created your Cabinet with all Drawers (1050mm) you just send it further in the system. ( Calculate ) WHERE ARE WE? => WHERE ARE WE GOING? => HOW DO WE GET THERE?