Hindu Beliefs
B R A H M A N name for Hinduism’s one supreme god creates, maintains, destroys and re-creates everything in the world, including the human soul, is a part of Brahman
Multiple Gods worship many gods and goddesses believe all gods are part of Brahman each Hindu person may be devoted to one particular god Shiva “destroyer” Vishnu “protector”
Dharma sacred moral duty (responsibility) rules and values Hindus follow in everyday life, simple way to think about Dharma, “the right thing to do” following dharma promotes harmony Based on your personality, age, sex and social class
Karma the total of good and bad actions a human soul carries from life to life they believe that when ppl die the soul leaves the body and is reborn into another body-reincarnation can come back as human or animal current actions determine their future life
Samsara The continuous cycle of birth, death and rebirth the goal of a Hindu’s life is to achieve moksha- to be released from Samsara and united with Brahman, the Supreme God