Wireless Performance Prediction Study Group Meeting Slides July 2004 Wireless Performance Prediction Study Group Meeting Slides Charles R. Wright charles_wright@azimuthsystems.com C. Wright, Azimuth Systems
Wireless Performance Prediction Study Group WG Report July 2004 Wireless Performance Prediction Study Group WG Report (4 slides) C. Wright, Azimuth Systems
WPP Report Total meeting time: 12 hours Total number of attendees: ~40 July 2004 WPP Report Total meeting time: 12 hours Total number of attendees: ~40 Plans Resolve PAR/5 Criteria comments from 802 None Hear technical presentations Seven presentations given Discussion of next steps, defining terms Two motions to be brought before WG C. Wright, Azimuth Systems
Technical Presentations July 2004 Technical Presentations Rick Denker, 11-04/770r0, “Wireless LAN Performance Prediction and Environments: a framework for discussion” Larry Green, 11-04/729r3, “WPP Baseline Metrics” Bob Mandeville, 11-04/832r0, “Test Specification Template Overview and Proposal” Neils van Erven, 11-04/346r0, “Proposal for how to measure Receiver Sensitivity” Bob Mandeville, “RFC 2285/2889 Walkthrough” Fanny Mlinarsky, 11-04/748, “Test Methodology for Measuring BSS Transition Time” C. Wright, Azimuth Systems
Next Steps Approval of PAR to 802 EXCOM July 2004 Next Steps Approval of PAR to 802 EXCOM Asking for empowerment to hold telecons Thursdays 12 noon ET, starting 29 July Details to be announced on reflector September meeting Operate as a task group! (Or as SG if there’s a glitch) Elect editor and secretary Technical presentations C. Wright, Azimuth Systems
July 2004 Motion to Extend SG Request that 802.11 WG continue the charter of the Wireless Performance Prediction SG through the January 2005 meeting. Moved on behalf of SG by Charles Wright Movers: [WPP-SG: Goubert/Polanec Result: 16/0/0] WG: x/x Result: x-x-x C. Wright, Azimuth Systems
Welcome to Wireless Performance Prediction July 2004 Welcome to Wireless Performance Prediction Charles R. Wright charles_wright@azimuthsystems.com C. Wright, Azimuth Systems
July 2004 Meeting Tone PLEASE Bring your Engineer Mentality and Technologist Attitude Please keep a Positive Attitude Please check your Ego and Politics at the door. We try hard to follow the process - not because we like process, but because enables us to conduct our meetings in a fair and efficient manner Try hard to understand another member’s viewpoint. Try especially hard to “hear” what they are not saying. Many disagreements arise from such unspoken assumptions. –Jon Rosdahl former HTSG Chair C. Wright, Azimuth Systems
Review IEEE/802 & 802.11 Policies and Rules July 2004 Review IEEE/802 & 802.11 Policies and Rules Study Group: Everyone Votes. All 802 policies apply All 802.11 policies apply Submissions must meet document format criteria. All Study Group voting requires 75% consensus. C. Wright, Azimuth Systems
IEEE-SA Standards Board Bylaws on Patents in Standards July 2004 IEEE-SA Standards Board Bylaws on Patents in Standards 6. Patents IEEE standards may include the known use of patent(s), including patent applications, provided the IEEE receives assurance from the patent holder or applicant with respect to patents essential for compliance with both mandatory and optional portions of the standard. This assurance shall be provided without coercion and prior to approval of the standard (or reaffirmation when a patent becomes known after initial approval of the standard). This assurance shall be a letter that is in the form of either a) A general disclaimer to the effect that the patentee will not enforce any of its present or future patent(s) whose use would be required to implement the proposed IEEE standard against any person or entity using the patent(s) to comply with the standard or b) A statement that a license will be made available without compensation or under reasonable rates, with reasonable terms and conditions that are demonstrably free of any unfair discrimination This assurance shall apply, at a minimum, from the date of the standard's approval to the date of the standard's withdrawal and is irrevocable during that period. Approved by IEEE-SA Standards Board – December 2002 C. Wright, Azimuth Systems
Inappropriate Topics for IEEE WG/TG/SG Meetings July 2004 Inappropriate Topics for IEEE WG/TG/SG Meetings Don’t discuss licensing terms or conditions Don’t discuss product pricing, territorial restrictions or market share Don’t discuss ongoing litigation or threatened litigation Don’t be silent if inappropriate topics are discussed… do formally object. If you have questions, contact the IEEE Patent Committee Administrator at patcom@ieee.org Approved by IEEE-SA Standards Board – December 2002 C. Wright, Azimuth Systems
Study Group Attendance July 2004 Study Group Attendance Attendance must be taken in study groups 802 rules Please sign in to the sheet being passed around Don’t need contact info, don’t need time when attended Just sign the sheet once during the week Thank you! C. Wright, Azimuth Systems
A Friendly Reminder… Don’t forget to log your attendance! July 2004 A Friendly Reminder… Don’t forget to log your attendance! www.802wirelessworld.com Attendance server problems? Talk to Harry Worstell C. Wright, Azimuth Systems
Proposed Agenda for Portland Meetings July 2004 Proposed Agenda for Portland Meetings Review Patent Policy, Inappropriate Topics Policy, etc. Approval of agenda Call for technical presentations * Rick Denker, 11-04/770r0, “Wireless LAN Performance Prediction and Environments: a framework for discussion”, 1 hr * Larry Green, 11-04/729r3, “WPP Baseline Metrics”, 35 minutes Bob Mandeville, 11-04/xxx, “Test Specification Template Overview and Proposal”, 40 min * Neils van Erven, 11-04/346r0, “Proposal for how to measure Receiver Sensitivity” Bob Mandeville, 11-04/xxx, “RFC 2285/2889 Walkthrough”, 40 min Fanny Mlinarsky, 11-04/748, “Test Methodology for Measuring BSS Transition Time” 30 min * Don Berry, 11-04/xxx, “Terminology Definitions” Approve minutes Garden Grove 11-04/0643r0 7/8/04 telecon 11-04/0726r0 Review progress from telecons Discussion of how to proceed Paul Canaan, 11-04/674r2, “WPP Development Milestones Roadmap Proposal” Fixed Time: Tuesday 6 pm to NLT Wednesday 5 pm, resolution of any PAR/5 Criteria comments from 802 Hear presentations solicited in Item 4 above Discussion on formation of Special Committees (charter and formation) New Items / Any other Business Should we change the name of the group from WPP to something else? C. Wright, Azimuth Systems
Timeline Going Forward July 2004 Timeline Going Forward March 802.11 meeting “Big picture” (vision) discussion of WPP Discuss scope and purpose for PAR May 802.11 meeting Detailed crafting of PAR, 5 Criteria Move to have PAR/5 Criteria approved by WG for forwarding to EXCOM July 802.11 meeting SG resolution of comments from EXCOM, 802 Vote to extend life of SG to do the work of the TG (for reaffirmation in TG) Approval of TG formation by 802 EXCOM August 16 (?) NESCOM Approval! September 802.11 meeting First meeting as a TG We are here C. Wright, Azimuth Systems
Progress since Garden Grove July 2004 Progress since Garden Grove Held five teleconferences LB 69 confirmed will of the WG to form a TG for WPP Presentations/notes 11-04/0674r0, “Wireless Performance Prediction – Development Milestones Roadmap Proposal,” Paul Canaan 11-04/0675r1, “Passive Antenna Measurements vs. Over-The-Air Active Measurements and Associated Metrics for Wi-Fi Testing,” Michael Foegelle C. Wright, Azimuth Systems
Formation of Special Committees July 2004 Formation of Special Committees Straw Poll: Is the will of the group to hear the technical presentations on the agenda before further discussion of formation of Special Committees? Yes:17 No:0 C. Wright, Azimuth Systems
July 2004 Name change for WPP? Our name is taken from the document title on the PAR: “Recommended Practice for the Evaluation of 802.11 Wireless Performance” It’s too late to change this without a lot of effort C. Wright, Azimuth Systems
Formation of Special Committees July 2004 Formation of Special Committees Environment Components Application Metrics? C. Wright, Azimuth Systems
Plan for now until Berlin July 2004 Plan for now until Berlin Template, next rev: Bob, Chris, Gerard Definitions list: Don, to be presented 29 July RF Environment types Device operating environment Device Configuration Metrics Application traffic patterns with metric Define test traffic to be used with metrics, where specific test traffic is required to test that metric C. Wright, Azimuth Systems
July 2004 We could say that within Bob’s template we could encapsulate and example of an application to which the test is most pertinant Dalton Speaks to the Purpose item in the template C. Wright, Azimuth Systems
Teleconferences between 802.11 meetings July 2004 Teleconferences between 802.11 meetings Move to have teleconferences every Thursday at 12 noon ET, starting July 29 Move/second – Chris Polanec/Don Berry Yes/No/Abs 16/0/0 C. Wright, Azimuth Systems
July 2004 WPP Document List C. Wright, Azimuth Systems
Docs related to Telecons (25 Mar 04 to 6 May 04) July 2004 Docs related to Telecons (25 Mar 04 to 6 May 04) Presentations 11-04-0441-00-0wpp-overview-predictive-techniques.ppt 11-04-0450-00-0wpp-wpp-methodology-ad-hoc-scope-overview.ppt 11-04-0454-00-0wpp-prediction-ad-hoc-group-notes-april-5.doc 11-04-0455-00-0wpp-prediction-ad-hoc-group-notes-april-14.doc 11-04-0462-00-0wpp_performance_methodology_adhoc_04-19-04.ppt 11-04-0475-00-0wpp-wpp-prediction-ad-hoc-teleconference-summary.doc 11-04-0491-01-0wpp-summary-developed-text.ppt 11-04-0492-01-0wpp-proposed-par-6-may-2004.doc Minutes 11-04-0437-00-0wpp-wpp-telecon-minutes-25-march-2004.doc 11-04-0442-00-0wpp-wpp-sg-telecon-minutes-april-1-2004.doc 11-04-0447-00-0wpp-meeting-notes-april-8th-telecon.doc 11-04-0471-00-0wpp-wpp-sg-telecon-minutes-april-15-2004.doc 11-04-0477-00-0wpp-wpp-sg-telecon-minutes-april-29-2004.doc 11-04-0498-00-0wpp-wpp-sg-telecon-minutes-may-6-2004.doc C. Wright, Azimuth Systems
Docs related to Telecons (19 Feb 04 to 11 Mar 04) July 2004 Docs related to Telecons (19 Feb 04 to 11 Mar 04) Agendas 11-04-0187-00-0wpp-telecon-agenda-19-feb-04.ppt 11-04-0213-00-0wpp-telecon-agenda-26-feb-04.ppt Presentations 11-04-0225-01-0wpp-wireless-performance-prediction-organization-proposal.ppt 11-04-0248-00-0wpp-wireless-performance-prediction-proposed-framework.ppt Minutes 11-04-0212-00-0wpp-wpp-sg-telecon-minutes-feb-19-2004.doc 11-04-0226-00-0wpp-telecon-minutes-26-feb-2004.doc 11-04-0237-00-0wpp-wpp-sg-telecon-minutes-mar-4-2004.doc 11-04-0268-00-0wpp-wpp-sg-telecon-minutes-mar-11-2004.doc C. Wright, Azimuth Systems
Jan 2004 802.11 Meeting (Vancouver) Presentations July 2004 Jan 2004 802.11 Meeting (Vancouver) Presentations 11-04-0038-00-0wpp-ieee-802-11-study-group-overview-2004.ppt 11-04-0091-00-0wpp-wpp-project-background-&-roadmap.ppt 11-04-0072-01-0wpp-optimization-parallels-with-cdma-cellular-pcs-industry.ppt 11-04-0092-00-0wpp-ctia-over-air-test-standard.ppt 11-03-0928-00-0wng-wpp-approaches-to-issue.ppt 11-03-0930-00-0wng-wpp-user-experience.ppt C. Wright, Azimuth Systems
Nov 2003 802.11 (Albuquerque) Presentations July 2004 Nov 2003 802.11 (Albuquerque) Presentations Presented within the Wireless Next Generation standing committee 11-03-0927-00-0wng-wpp-introduction-&-overview.ppt 11-03-0928-00-0wng-wpp-approaches-to-issue.ppt 11-03-0929-00-0wng-wpp-summary-work-plan-&-proposal.ppt 11-03-0930-00-0wng-wpp-user-experience.ppt 11-03-0931-00-0wng-wpp-simulating-field-performance.ppt 11-03-0933-00-0wng-rf-performance-testing.ppt C. Wright, Azimuth Systems
Early WPP Telecon Presentations July 2004 Early WPP Telecon Presentations These presentations were made prior to the formation of the 802.11 WPP SG, and can be found on EMC Society WPP web site, maintained by S. Berger: Factors Affecting Performance, F. Mlinarsky Standard Methods for Predicting Wireless Performance, P. Canaan, P. Ellis CTIA Standard for Over-The-Air Testing of Wireless Devices and Field Map Movies, M. Foegelle RDI's Approach to Performance Prediction, K. Britain Azimuth Test Configuration, F. Mlinarsky Test Methodology, F. Mlinarsky C. Wright, Azimuth Systems
July 2004 Backup Information C. Wright, Azimuth Systems
Teleconference Info Date: Thursdays Time: 11 AM Eastern time (1600 UT) July 2004 Teleconference Info Date: Thursdays Time: 11 AM Eastern time (1600 UT) Duration: 1 hour Phone # 1-877-842-9288 International: +1-847-597-8068 Passcode: 827 235 Next: March 25, 2004 C. Wright, Azimuth Systems
Email Reflector Original reflector: stds-wpp@ieee.org July 2004 Email Reflector Original reflector: stds-wpp@ieee.org Set up under aegis of EMC Society 802.11 reflector: stds-802-11@ieee.org Requires 802.11 membership to send to it Can be monitored through 802.11 web site 802.11 rules require all SG communication to be through reflector Use of WPP reflector will be discontinued after March 802.11 meeting C. Wright, Azimuth Systems
References for 802.11 Newcomers (1 of 2) July 2004 References for 802.11 Newcomers (1 of 2) Web site: http://grouper.ieee.org/groups/802/11/ Document server: http://www.802wirelessworld.com/ Sign up for an account No need to be an 802.11 member to get an account Once logged in, “join” 802.11: Click on “802.11 WLAN WG” on left In center window, choose to become a new member Click again on “802.11 WLAN WG” An additional subitem called “Documents” will be revealed – click on it You’ve reached the document server! C. Wright, Azimuth Systems
References for 802.11 Newcomers (2 of 2) July 2004 References for 802.11 Newcomers (2 of 2) Document numbering scheme WG-YY-NNNN-RR-gggg-English-document-title.ext WG = 802 working group number, e.g. “11” as in 802.11 YY = two digits of year NNNN = document number RR = document revision number gggg = 802.11 group to which the document pertains Example: 11-04-0187-00-0wpp-telecon-agenda-19-feb-04.ppt C. Wright, Azimuth Systems