Accelerated Reading Time until 1:49
Physical Science April 10, 2017 Student Planner Place this in the proper place Make up work for triad 5 will be due not later than April 21.
End Planner Entries Type notes here
Write your summary from Last Class’s notes on Last Class’s paper Write your summary from Last Class’s notes on Last Class’s paper. Last class’s EQ was: Essential Question: What is the name the video used for the theory of the universe‘s birth?
March 31 Summary: We had an abbreviated opening with a substitute. We completed the vocabulary test, then watched a video on Formation of the universe.
Essential Question: What is a “light year”? Topic/Objective: Name: Formation of the Universe Class/Period: Date: April 10, 2017 Essential Question: What is a “light year”?
Warm Up
According to the video: 1. How big was the particle that exploded in the “Big Bang”? 2. What element was first formed after the Big Bang?
3. 3. What are the two most common elements in the universe? 4. How did the elements beyond hydrogen form?
According to the video: 1. How big was the particle that exploded in the “Big Bang”? 2. What element was first formed after the Big Bang?
According to the video: 1. How big was the particle that exploded in the “Big Bang”? Very very small (infinitely small) 2. What element was first formed after the Big Bang?
According to the video: 2. What element was first formed after the Big Bang? Hydrogen 3. What are the two most common elements in the universe?
3. What are the two most common elements in the universe 3. What are the two most common elements in the universe? Hydrogen and Helium 4. How did the elements beyond hydrogen form?
4. How did the elements beyond hydrogen form? From exploding stars
Homework Study vocabulary. Complete booklet
Today’s Work Review substitute’s report Review video New vocabulary words & definitions – make a booklet. Notes Link
Astronomy Measuring Distances in space a) 1 Light year- traveling at the speed of light for one year (300,000,000 m/s) or (187,500 miles/s) b) Astronomical unit-the average distance between the Earth and the Sun
Stars generate their own light by nuclear fusion All stars emit gamma rays, x-rays, infrared, visible light, Ultraviolet and radio waves Blue stars are hotter than red stars The moon and planets shine by reflected light
Comet- small body of ice, rock and cosmic dust located at the edge of the solar system Asteroid - small rocky bodies in orbit around the sun- They are mostly located in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter Meteoroid- similar to an asteroid but smaller orbiting the sun Galaxy- clusters of billions of stars Our sun is a star in the Milky Way galaxy
Inner Planets called Rocky planets or terrestrial planets Mercury Standard: 4 Astronomy 5 121 EQ: What is common between the inner planets? Inner Planets Inner Planets called Rocky planets or terrestrial planets Mercury Smallest Planet and closest to the sun Mercury moves very slowly No Moons Rotation-spin on its axis 59 days Revolution- orbit around the Sun - year is equal to 88 Earth days 26
-Virtually the same size, mass and Density as Earth 2. Venus -Virtually the same size, mass and Density as Earth -Sun rises in the west and sets in the East because it rotates opposite to Earth -One day on Venus is about as long as a year on Earth -Hottest surface because the atmosphere is a thick cloud of CO2 (464° C). -Rains sulfuric acid -No oceans, Active volcanoes -No Moons -Typically the brightest object in the sky. 27
Just the right distance from the sun Standard: 4 Astronomy 3. Earth Just the right distance from the sun Temperatures are right to not completely freeze or boil away the water 28
Thin atmosphere and further from the sun so it is a cold planet 4. Mars Last Inner planet Thin atmosphere and further from the sun so it is a cold planet Water is in solid form-ice Largest volcanoes 2 moons Rotation is 24 hours and 37 minutes – Similar to the Earth. Revolution takes 1 year, 322 days 29