Examples of coronal maps derived from the reconstructed 3D volume. Examples of coronal maps derived from the reconstructed 3D volume. The cut at zero coronal plane (0 mm) is shown in the second image from the right in the second row. Cuts posterior to the zero coronal plane are marked with negative (-) numbers. Vertical axis indicates the midsagittal plane, horizontal axis indicates the zero horizontal plane. Because of low magnification of the images in this plate, pallidothalamic fiber bundles are marked as follows: lenticular fasciculus, one white asterisk; ansa lenticularis, two white asterisks; mt, mammillothalamic tract, other labeling as in Figures 3–7. Igor Ilinsky et al. eNeuro 2018;5:ENEURO.0060-18.2018 ©2018 by Society for Neuroscience