Character Foils in Romeo and Juliet
Character Foil -Character who contrasts with another character to help highlight particular qualities and character traits. Must have some similarities that make the reader compare the two characters. Cp notes
Tybalt and Benvolio: Both cousins to main characters, important families, present during conflicts. Tybalt= aggressive, impulsive, concerned with family honor/status. Benvolio= calm, mediator, wants to stop violence Cp notes
Romeo and Mercutio: Best friends, prominent young men of Verona. Mercutio=witty skeptic, outgoing, cynical about love. Romeo=impetuous, falls in love constantly and completely, talks about his feelings, keeps to himself more
Romeo and Paris: Young men from rich families, in love with Juliet Paris= older, conventional, father’s approval, reacts moderately Romeo= younger, impulsive, secretly defying families, reacts passionately
Nurse and Lady Capulet: both help raise Juliet, her “mothers” Nurse= common, funny, Juliet confides in her. Lady Capulet= noble, dignified, distant Have class explain why
Rosaline and Juliet: Both girls Romeo is wildly in love with Rosaline- uninterested in love, chaste Juliet- falls immediately for Romeo, can’t wait to be married to him