Light in the World The Golden Lampstand MaterialsMeasurementsMinistry
Materials of Lampstand Composition of the Lampstand Composition of the Lampstand 1. Shaft – loins, thigh, body Represents Jesus Christ Represents Jesus Christ Eve out of Adams side Eve out of Adams side Church out of Saviors pierced side Church out of Saviors pierced side one beaten work of pure gold one beaten work of pure gold Isaiah 53:5,10 cf. Ephesians 5:25,30 Isaiah 53:5,10 cf. Ephesians 5:25,30
Materials of Lampstand Composition of the Lampstand Composition of the Lampstand 2. Branches – each attached to shaft six in number = man six in number = man one with the shaft – Heb. 2:10-11 one with the shaft – Heb. 2: Peter 1:4 2 Peter 1:4 Colossians 1:18 Colossians 1:18 The Golden Lampstand
Materials of Lampstand Decoration of the Lampstand Decoration of the Lampstand 1.Lilies – Jesus life of purity Song of Solomon 2:1 cf. Heb. 7:26 Song of Solomon 2:1 cf. Heb. 7:26 2.Pomegranates – Jesus productiveness John 15:5,8,16 John 15:5,8,16 3.Almonds – Jesus life of power Resurrection – Num. 17:8 cf. Phil. 3:10 Resurrection – Num. 17:8 cf. Phil. 3:10 The Golden Lampstand
Materials of Lampstand Illumination of Lampstand Illumination of Lampstand 1. Central Lamp – Jesus John 8:12 John 8:12 2. Six other Lamps – believing people Matthew 5:14,16 ; Phil. 2:15 Matthew 5:14,16 ; Phil. 2:15 3. golden oil – Holy Spirit ; 1 Jn. 2:27 4. wicks – human life ; Matt. 12:20 The Golden Lampstand
Materials of Lampstand Supervision of the Lampstand Supervision of the Lampstand 1.burn always – Ex. 27:20 ; Lev. 24:2 Priests had this job Priests had this job 2. tongs and snuff dishes – self-discipline and obedience Heb. 5:8 cf. Heb.12:6 ; Rev. 2:5 Heb. 5:8 cf. Heb.12:6 ; Rev. 2:5 The Golden Lampstand
Measurements 1.No specifics – therefore limitless 2.Weight – one talent 3.One single piece Glory of Jesus divine nature Glory of Jesus divine nature We are partakers of the same nature We are partakers of the same nature 4.Located on the south side to cast light on the table on the north side The Golden Lampstand
Ministry of Lampstand Light of Attraction – Exodus 25:37 Light of Attraction – Exodus 25:37 1. Jesus is that light – John 8:12 2. We become light thru Jesus – Luke 12:35 Light of Perception – Exodus 40:25 Light of Perception – Exodus 40:25 1. light of lamps in the holy place allowed the priests to worship in Gods presence 2. Psalm 36: John 1:7 cf. Romans 8:26,27 The Golden Lampstand
Application Are you allowing the light of the world to so shine forth from your life that you are attractive to the lost and dying? What are you doing to hinder the light form shining forth to others? The Golden Lampstand