Adults, Health and Housing DPEG – ‘Policy Co-Production’ Session 3
Adults, Health and Housing Agenda Introductions. Purpose of Today. Financial Monitoring of Direct Payments. Submission and non-submission of Direct Payments. Subsistence Claims. Underspends of Direct Payments.
Adults, Health and Housing Welcomes, Introductions & Housekeeping Ian Kennard :| Direct Payments & Personal Budgets| Ian Evans :| Director of Thurrock Coalition |
Adults, Health and Housing Purpose of Today? ‘To discuss and capture the thoughts of all on key elements or themes of Direct Payment policy so that we can co-produce a new, more appropriate document to improve the Direct Payment experience.’ In order to do this we must be: Open and honest. Listen and be respectful. Give each person the opportunity to express their views and opinions.
Adults, Health and Housing ‘Financial Monitoring’ The current Direct Payment Policy states that the financial monitoring of an individual’s payment will take place at intervals of: 3 months. 6 months. And These frequencies can be subject to change at any point. It is worth noting that 100% of individual’s on a Direct Payment have to submit returns at the stated interval (currently 6 monthly).
Adults, Health and Housing ‘Financial Monitoring’ Therefore an individual on Direct Payments will be subject to the following reviews: Direct Payment Returns monitoring every 6 months (at present). Care Assessment Reviews at either 1, 3, 6 or 12 monthly. Financial Assessment (to determine an individual’s contribution towards care) every year. The review period set will be determined by taking into consideration the proportionate risk to wellbeing, financial risk, compliance with monitoring to date, level of care needed and ability to manage money.
Adults, Health and Housing ‘Financial Monitoring’ In groups please discuss and answer the following: Do you feel there is a need to review every individual’s spend every 6 months? If not what would the ideal period be and why? What do you feel should be done (if anything) to help mitigate or reduce risks to the individual and the Public purse (i.e. categorising review dates by risk or random sampling)?
Adults, Health and Housing ‘Submission & Non Submission of Direct Payment Returns’ When an individual is written to requesting their returns then: The returns need to be sent back with all supporting information. The returns need to be sent back with all supporting information. No Return
Adults, Health and Housing ‘Submission & Non Submission of Direct Payment Returns’ In groups please discuss and answer the following: What are the common issues with Direct Payment returns and how to overcome these? Do you feel the current process is sufficient or can it be improved? If so how?
Adults, Health and Housing ‘Underspends of Direct Payments’ At present the Direct Payments Policy allows for an individual to retain up to 8 weeks worth of their Personal Budget. This is often referred to as a ‘tolerance level’. Monies that exceed this ‘tolerance level’ can be reclaimed by the Authority. The individual can keep more that this tolerance level if they can: Have a reason that that meets the individual’s outcome. Place a formal request for approval in writing and await confirmation by the appropriate Care Professional.
Adults, Health and Housing ‘Underspends of Direct Payments’ In groups please discuss and answer the following: Do you feel this tolerance level is appropriate, if not why not? How do you feel issues of underspend should be handle i.e. should there be a care review as standard? How do you feel it would be best to have the discussion around increasing the ‘tolerance levels’ of individuals? Do you feel the current process is sufficient?