Separation Health & Physical Examination (SHPE) Element 40 Page 196
Overview To explain importance and timeframes for the SHPE to make sure that any medical conditions developed during service are identified and documented in the members Service Treatment Record (STR).
Mandatory ALL separating active duty Service members must undergo a physical examination, which MUST be completed prior to separation. In the DoD, it’s called… “Separation History and Physical Examination (SHPE)” In the VA, it’s called the… “Disability Exam”
Why is this important? Gives a complete medical history of the TSM and evaluates the member’s disability claim. Results are accessible by both DoD and the VA which allows claims to be filed at a later date. Required for all active duty TSMs prior to separation. Required for all Reserve Component that have served 180 days on active duty or 30 days in contingency operations. Record must be maintained by MTF or medical clinic for future VA disability benefits.
Filing a VA claim? Filing Claim: No later than 90 days prior to date of separation from active duty, complete the separation exam with the VA when possible. Not Filing Claim: Complete the SHPE at an MTF or by DoD contracted services.
Separating, retiring, or deactivating? You need only one exam Before the exam, complete the DD 2807-1 “Report of Medical History” Remember, DoD and VA share results of the exam with each other
How do I file a claim? Through: eBenefits, in person with a Veterans Service Organization, or with a VA representative at a military installation. Submit a copy of your Service Treatment Record (STR) from your current period of military service and any copies of private treatment records not associated with TRICARE referrals. For more information on VA disability benefits, call 1-800-827-1000 or visit the VA’s website.
Summary The DoD requires a SHPE to capture the complete medical history of Service Members and evaluate members filing a disability claim Results are accessible by both the DoD and VA You can schedule the exam at any military hospital or clinic or VA facility