Lancashire One to One Tuition Tutor Drop-in Sessions June 14th -16th 2010
Updates Places for Lancashire double to 13,750 for 2010-2011 Schools have:- Primary minimum 4, maximum 36 Secondary minimum 30 maximum 280 Special to be negotiated with Head Teachers, likely to remain around the same or slight increase. Pupil Guarantees disappeared under the arrangements for dissolution of Parliament so no carrot for schools to continue 1-2-1 after August 2011. Tutor pay increases to £25.56 per hour and schools funded for this
2010-2011 Vision Support for schools and tutors will centre on improving the quality of tuition delivery through Specific QA visits to observe tuition Focused face to face tutor CPD Development of moodle packages Support with specific resources Re-shaping drop in sessions
The ITP and the Pupil Passport The ITP is your tuition plan. Information should be detailed to serve the 10 sessions. The passport serves several purposes A record of what was done and the focus for the next session Any homework given A record and information for teachers A record and information for the parent or carer
A reminder Turn to page 20 in the booklet. Examine the success criteria Turn to page 32 in the booklet Examine the success criteria. These criteria are appropriate because they refer to the relevant assessment document e.g. the APP grids.
Future dates Tutor Drop-Ins Moodle Training September 21st, 22nd, 23rd 2010 Moodle Training September 13th, 14th and 15th 2010 Focused C/D borderline training for maths and English 29th September 2010 Venues to be announced and apply via