Population statistics


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Presentation transcript:

Population statistics Recent developments DSS, 23-24/9/2010

Demography Regulation on demographic statistics Latest data releases Aim: completion of the harmonisation of population statistics (after adoption of Regulations on Migration Statistics and on Population and Housing Censuses) Broad consensus among Member States about need for Regulation Main issue: concept of resident population (difficulties of using a harmonised concept vs. need for stricter harmonisation of statistics in directly policy-relevant areas) New version of draft Regulation in preparation Latest data releases “Highly educated men and women likely to live longer” (SiF 24/2010) “EU27 population 501 million at 1 January 2010“ (News Release, 27/7/2010) DSS, 23-24/9/2010

Population and Housing Censuses 1st Implementing Regulation: technical specifications and breakdowns Adopted in November 2009 (1201/2009) 2nd Implementing Regulation: programme of statistical data and metadata Adopted in June 2010 (519/2010) 3rd Implementing Regulation: quality reporting and data transmission format WG meeting of 19-20 April 2010 / of 17-18 May 2010 ESSC of 1 October 2010 DSS, 23-24/9/2010

Population Projections Joint Eurostat / UNECE Work Session on Demographic Projections: Lisbon, 28-30 April 2010 Successful meeting: some 100 participants, 40 papers Proceedings will be available shortly EUROPOP2011 to be released in spring 2011 Working Group to discuss preliminary results scheduled for 13-14 December 2010 DSS, 23-24/9/2010

Migration Statistics - Regulation Implementing Regulation concerning article 3: definition of groups of citizenship, and country of birth, destination and origin adopted in April 2010 (351/2010) Implementing Regulation concerning article 6: categories of reasons for permits being issued adopted in March 2010 (216/2010) Latest data releases “Around 261000 asylum applicants from 151 different countries were registered in the EU-27 in 2009” (SiF 27/2010) “Acquisition of citizenship slightly declining in the EU“ (SiF 36/2010) “Foreigners in the EU are diverse and largely younger than the nationals of the EU Member States” (SiF 45/2010) DSS, 23-24/9/2010

Migration Mainstreaming: Developing Social and Economic Information on Migrant Populations Conceptual framework for migration-related statistics and draft work programme LFS ad hoc module 2008 Task Force to evaluate experience and to prepare the ad hoc module 2014 First Statistics in Focus to be released shortly Ministerial Conference on Integration (15/16 April 2010) Pilot study analysing the availability, quality and significance of a set of integration indicators Joint meeting of national experts on integration and representatives from NSIs planned for beginning 2011 Publication on the social situation of migrants Based on existing data sources in the area of migration statistics, LFS and EU-SILC, ongoing DSS, 23-24/9/2010