Incoming Sophomore Course Scheduling Class of 2021 Monday, February 12, 2018
Goals Students will know how to use the Course Planning Guide. Students will know the difference between high school and college requirements. Students will know where to find help for making next year’s course requests. Students will know the timeline and method for making course requests. Students will make their final request for courses to build their 2018-19 class schedule Write your name on your course planning guide and the insert. Annotate your course planning guide as we go through this presentation.
Graduation Requirements & College Admission Recommendations Refer to the Course Planning Guide page 1 for Geneseo High School Graduation Requirements. Refer to page 2 for course offerings. Refer page 4 for college admission recommendations Check the “Graduation Requirements” tab in your Skyward Access Account.
Required Classes for Sophomores 2nd year of English 2nd year of Math 2nd year of Science 1st and 2nd semester of US History 1st and 2nd Semester of PE (if waiver, replace with a class) 2 additional classes each semester (Study Hall – no credit)
Alternating Year Classes Odd Year, 2019-20 Even Year, 2018-19 AP Microeconomics AP Macroeconomics Ag Business Management - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - AP Music Theory I AP Music Theory II
Selecting Electives Classes with term “S1” meet first semester Classes with term “S2” meet second semester Make sure you select both semesters of a year long course (i.e. English, math, science, etc.). Your course planning guide indicates whether a course meets for a semester or is a year long course. Do not select a course with 9 as the second number without teacher permission. Reminder – Study Hall can replace an elective for one semester or two semesters and must be requested. Study Hall is a non-credit request.
Behind the Wheel Add BTW to your course requests-50401 In order to schedule BTW, it may require flexibility in your schedule to move a class(es) to make the BTW fit during SH, PE or early bird. Behind the Wheel will be scheduled later this spring. If you plan to take BTW privately, do not request BTW – 50401.
PE Waivers (see instructions on waiver form) Participation in Interscholastic Athletics (Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors only) and activities (*Maplettes, Cheerleaders, Marching Band). Managers, trainers and 9th graders are not eligible for a PE Waiver. For additional information, students should see their counselor. Students requesting a physical education waiver must apply during spring scheduling. An athlete who does not make a team or fails to try out for a team must contact a high school counselor and immediately return to physical education class by the following school day. An athlete who quits the team after practice has started will be required to repeat the entire semester of physical education regardless of the waiver status in the following semester. Students are solely responsible for requesting a schedule change if they are no longer eligible for the PE waiver. Failure to follow these directions may compromise the student’s graduation status.
PE Waiver Sophomores are eligible for a sports/activity waiver 1 sport or 1 activity* = 1 semester 1 activity* and 1sport or 2 sports = 2 semesters REQUIRED form must be returned with your course request, with parent and student signature, on or before February 26, 2018 (*activity is defined as Marching Band, Maplettes, and Cheerleaders)
PE Waiver PE Waiver 1S (50341) PE Waiver 2S (50342) Students cannot have 2 study halls in the same semester. IMPORTANT NOTE!!! You will find the required PE Waiver form on the counseling webpage under “Course Planning”. The form must be stapled to your printout of course requests to be eligible on February 26, 2018.
Marching Band Waiver Marching Band/PE Waiver information and the required form are available on the counseling webpage. Sophomores must enroll in marching band to request a PE waiver. Request a PE waiver by entering 50341 in skyward and add another elective class REQUIRED form must be returned with your course requests, with parent & student signatures, on or before February 26, 2018
Early Bird Advanced Wellness Mr. Johnsen Chemistry Advanced Studies Mrs. Hirschfelder Physical Education Mr. Hillman IMPORTANT NOTE!!! Early Bird classes are full year classes. All semester requests for early bird will be placed on a waiting list and subject to availability. The required early bird form is on the counseling webpage under “Course Planning”. Early bird sign up will begin at 6:45 am on Wednesday, February 14 in the main hallway. If you are eligible for early bird and you turn in all the required documents and signatures on February 14, your early bird class will be added to your requests in Skyward. Request 7th hour release only if you are enrolled in Early Bird.
Scheduling Forms and other information found on the Counseling Webpage Early Bird application (sign up begins at 6:45 am on Wednesday, February 14, 2018 in the main hallway) PE/Marching Band Waiver form Course Planning Guide (use CPG to check GPA pre-requisites). Power point presentations ( Go to high school website Left hand tab, open “counseling” open “High School Course Planning”
Requesting courses in Skyward Semester 1 Semester 2 English English Math Math Science Science US History US History PE (or class for waiver*) PE (or class for waiver**) Elective Elective Elective or SH Elective or SH *Add 50341 – 1st semester waiver in Skyward **Add 50342 – 2nd semester waiver in Skyward Add 50401 – BTW to request Behind the Wheel
Directions for requesting courses (con’t) Skyward open 1/16/18 at 3:30 pm To begin the process, you will log onto the Family Access page today using either the parent or student access (found on high school tab). 1. Choose “Schedule” (left side tool bar) 2. Click “Request courses for 2018-19 high school” (upper right) 3. Find the elective classes (Study Hall) you want to pick 4. Highlight each request (follow yellow worksheet course selection list) 5. Click “add course” 6. After 6 #’s have been added, choose the print icon in upper right corner 7. Check list of choices you have made. 8. If correct, select the print icon on the top right side of the page and print. This page must be signed by a parent and student. 9. Logout 10. Please write down 2 (two) alternatives Return the course request page to the HS Guidance office by February 26th with a parent & student signature. Do not select a course with 9 as the second number without teacher permission.
Due Dates: February 26, 2018 Your skyward print out must have a parent and student signature. The print out of your requests must be turned in to the guidance office by February 26th. Please do not request your “alternates” in online scheduling. PLEASE write at least 2 alternates on the skyward print out page. Do not write down a class you do not intend to enroll in. SELECT CAREFULLY - your course requests represent your final choice and a schedule change will be made based on conflicts or teacher recommendation