Prophetic Coming Events
Prophecy- God inspired foretelling of events, predictions of the future and the end times, special messages from God, often uttered through humans , indicates the divine will for mankind on earth and in heaven. There are over 8300 (31,173) prophetic scriptures in the Bible, 700 of the most significant are divide into five categories The Beginning to the exile of Judah The exile of Judah to the First Coming of Christ The First Coming of Christ The Church Age The Rapture/Tribulation/Second Coming of Christ/Millennial Reign of Christ/New Heavens and Earth-Eternity
Coming Events A WARNING FROM CHRIST!! Matt 24:4-5, II Pet 2:1-3 - Beware of false Prophets and Teachers that lead people into heresy . - Heresy- false doctrine that denies the foundational beliefs of the church, such as the lordship and deity of Christ, the virgin birth, the Trinity, the resurrection, Jesus the only way to heaven , hell is real, etc. - Apostasy-a falling away from TRUE faith in Christ, the determined/willful rejection of Christ and His teachings. This is different from someone that is under false teaching or error that is the result of ignorance/lack of knowledge.
Coming Events The Rapture or Catching Away of the Church The Bema Seat of Christ (for Believers only) The Marriage of the Lamb Celebration The Tribulation Period The Second coming of Christ The Millennial Reign of Christ The Great white Throne Judgment (non Believers only) The New Heavens and Earth ----- Eternity
Coming Events The Rapture or Catching Away of the Church I Thess 4:15-17 I Cor 15:51-53 - the meaning - participants - different views (Rapture vs Second Coming/ Pre- Mid-Post) - the Old Testament foreshowing (Enoch, Elijah) - the purpose (Bema Seat/Marriage) - the mystery (hundreds of millions will not see death) - the challenge - the effect of the Rapture
Coming Events The Bema-Judgment Seat of Christ - meaning II Cor 5:10 I Cor 3:13 Rom 14:10-12 - meaning - the fact of the bema judgment - purpose - the things to be judged/tested - how we treated other believers - how we used our God given talents - how we used our money/material things - how we used our time - the results of the bema judgment
Coming Events The Marriage of the Lamb - The fact of the wedding Matt 22:2 , Rev 19:7 - The fact of the wedding - Host - Bridegroom - Bride - Guests - The wedding service schedule: -- Betrothal (earth) -- Presentation (heaven) -- Celebration (heaven or earth?) - The certainty of the marraige
Coming Events The Tribulation Rev (Chp) 6-18 - the different names - nature of the tribulation - length - purpose – not just the wrath of God - key role players - the first 3 ½ years (Tribulation) - the middle segment (possibly a few days) - the second 3 ½ years (Great Tribulation)
Coming Events The Second Coming of Christ Rev 19:11-16 The chronology of His coming - Purpose - Defeat antichrist/Armageddon - Regather and restore faithful Israel - To judge and punish faithless Israel - To separate the sheep from the goats (nations) - To bind Satan - To resurrect Old Testament and Tribulation Saints - To judge fallen angels - The transitional period into the Millennium
Coming Events The Millennium (Thousand Year) Reign of Christ on earth Rev 20:4 - the fact of the millennium - purpose - different names - Old Testament examples - nature or atmosphere: Peace/Joy/Holiness/Comfort/Justice/Full Knowledge/Sickness removed /Curse removed, etc - participants - King/Ruler - geography - the Temple The Final Revolt of Satan Rev 20:7-9
Coming Events The Great White Throne Judgment Rev 20:11-15 - the Throne/the Judge (Jesus) - the jury (the Books) - the judged (the unbelievers) - the place of punishment (Lake of Fire)
Coming Events The Destruction/Cleansing 2 Pet 3:10-11 - the scriptural proof - the reason/purpose Creation of the New Heavens and Earth (Eternity) “And I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.” Rev 21:1 “For, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth; and the former shall be remembered no more; nor come into mind” Isa 65:17