Hadleigh Castle Project Games Development- Project 4
The Idea Our groups main plan of the Hadleigh Castle project is for us to create a visual and interactive representation of how Hadleigh Castle was in the past. Other than the drawbridge every other building/model will have no interior work on them as we believe it would take up too much of our time. So we are willing to commit our time into the outside look of the Castle. We will also take the interactivity and audio side of our project by creating signs in the game that will be intractable by pressing the letter E as we would then have our voice actor talk about some of the history of Hadleigh Castle from his script.
Team Members Kian Winyard Sam King (Leader) Callum Lane 2D Graphics (Callum/Kian) 3D Modelling (Kian/Callum) Voice Actor (Sam) Programming (Kian/Sam/Callum) Research (Kian/Sam/Callum) The reasoning behind our job roles is that we have allocated each of us into our favoured roles in the project. Whereas when it comes to the parts of the project that one of use isn't the best at then we are all willing to help commit our work in those parts of the project.
2D Graphics 2D Graphics- Creating Textures and Icons for assets to be used in game. The reasoning behind Kian and I doing 2D Graphics is because of how we picked up on the skills quite easily so we decided to work on the textures and Icons as a two so we can make them to the best of our ability. In addition, we chose to do 2D Graphics as a two because with the little attention that’s needed on the icons/ textures that means that they can be easily completed at an early stage.
3D Modelling 3D modelling- Creating models in game assets such as the castle walls or a church so that the map design would be reminiscent of Hadleigh castle. Kian was chosen for this task because this is his strongest subject and could make well designed models, Callum has also been chosen because he feels confident in creating high quality interior assets such as the church.
Voice Actor Voice Actor- Sam is willing to be the groups voice actor as of how he has a clear voice and is confident speaking to a microphone. In addition it would be easier for Sam to do the voice overs as he will also be creating the script so he knows the information that he will be talking about.
Programming Programming- In our group there isn’t one of us who is confident enough to do the programming by themselves so we decided to work together and compliment each other to over come the obstacles that came with programming.
Research Research- In the first week of the project we all took to researching information about Hadleigh Castle so we could find the right measurements we needed so it could compliment our later work. After the first week Sam will become in charge of research as that will help him construct his script with him having plenty of time to make a in depth script for the audio part of our project.
Time Plan Week 1 (Research) Week 5 Each member of the group will be doing research into the facts and figures of Hadleigh Castle. Week 2 Block Out Icons & Props Week 3 Building Creations Week 4 Programming Week 5 Sound Script Voice Over UV Maps Textures Week 6 (Final Week) Overdraft
Risk Assessment Contingency plan- The same member of the group made all of the outside models meaning that there wont be any models that appear to have lower quality. Another risk that could occur whilst we are doing the project could be that there is a loss or corruption of work as that would stop or push back our progress of finishing off the project within the time set. To prevent that problem from happening we would have to have multiple saves of the work in different places so that if one becomes corrupt then we can just work off of a different version of the same work. There could also be the risk in the progress in work as that may be slowed down if a member of the group isn’t in or isn’t doing the right work as that would result in the other members of the group to either do more within the time they’re a member down or the member off would have to complete the work in their own time so they don’t fall behind on the amount of work produced.
Sketches and Designs Top Down View https://www.pinterest.co.uk/callumseevic/hadleigh-castle/ https://www.pinterest.co.uk/kianwinyard/hadleigh-castle/