Newton's 3rd law BY: Per. 6
What is newton’s 3rd law? For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. States that forces are apart of an interaction. Forces always occurs in pairs
A simple rule to remember object a exerts force on object. Object b exerts the equal but opposite force on object a.
Examples of forces Walking Foot pushes floor backward-floor pushes foreword on foot Driving Tires push on road-road pushes back
Objects do not posses force. Objects exert force.
Definition's to know Force- an interaction between one object and another Interaction-a kind of action that occurs as two or more objects have an effect upon one another. Action force- a force acting in one direction Reaction force- force acting In the opposite directing than the action force
sources 5aOICjab2BG0UY5IqB0ROiLtyRoKbHDEZdC_ZYdssLIAC file:///C:/Users/081001/Desktop/forces-_newtons_3rdt_law.pdf