Regional Committee Meeting Fort Wayne Section Report 1 Regional Committee Meeting Fort Wayne Section Report David R. Peterson Education Chair January 21, 2012
2011 Section Most Important Accomplishment The Fort Wayne Section Sponsored and Participated in the First Annual Indiana Purdue Fort Wayne RF Workshop: Radio Frequency Engineering Applications IPFW Electrical Engineering Dept. Professors organized and hosted the event 62 attended – considered a success by IPFW Plan is to make this an annual event Participated in the Fort Wayne Makersfaire 2 Day Event IEEE hosted a soldering booth to teach the public how to solder. Hundreds (1/3 adults, 2/3 youth) tried their hand at soldering. 2 1/13/12
R4 Can Most Help My Section By… 3 R4 Can Most Help My Section By… Providing Speakers that have non-internet available material Engineering professionals claim “I can find anything you present on the internet” Even IEEE TV is available to anyone with an IEEE account; so why attend a local meeting? Providing Trainers and Programs addressing skill sets needed for key growing industries The goal is that engineering professionals will have up to date skill sets to support local employers Engineering professionals see the Internet and local universities as resources 3 1/13/12