Simplifying the Complex Technical writing Simplifying the Complex
Real-World Writing in the 21st Century Technical Writing AKA: Business Writing Workplace Writing Professional Writing Informational Writing
What is Technical Writing? It is the type of everyday writing that surrounds us from the time we wake until we climb into bed at night: Directions on the toothpaste tube Nutrition benefits on the cereal box Business letters and catalogs that come in the mail Written instructions for assembling a new product Tax receipts and notices Product safety information
What is Technical Writing? Technical writing introduces you to some of the most important aspects of writing in the world of science, technology, and business – the kind of writing that scientists, nurses, doctors, computer specialists, government officials, engineers, and other people do as a part of their regular work.
What is Technical Writing? The term “technical” refers to knowledge that is not widespread, that is more the territory of experts and specialists. Whatever your major is, you are developing an expertise, and whenever you try to write anything about your field, you are engaged in technical writing.
What is Technical Writing? Technical communication can be written, oral, or visual. Technical writing is composed in and for the workplace. Technical writing is a significant factor in work experience for a variety of reasons. Technical writing serves valuable purposes in the workplace and often involves teamwork.
How is Technical Writing Different? The information is organized, presented and communicated in a specific format. The writing is concise, clear and accurate. The writing takes into account the audience’s needs, biases and prior understanding. The writing presents information to help readers solve a problem or gain a better understanding of a situation. The writing conveys technical, complex, or specialized information in a way that is easy for a non-technical reader to understand.
How is Technical Writing Different? The information is organized, presented and communicated in a specific format. The writing is concise, clear and accurate. The writing takes into account the audience’s needs, biases and prior understanding. The writing presents information to help readers solve a problem or gain a better understanding of a situation. The writing conveys technical, complex, or specialized information in a way that is easy for a non-technical reader to understand.
What Employers Say… employees in top companies are poorly trained in writing and cannot compose a coherent business response Conscientious employers are retraining employees to write in the workplace
Three Part Foundation Needed on the Job Basic Skills (reads, writes, performs mathematical operations, listens and speaks) Thinking Skills (Thinks creatively, makes decisions, solves problems, visualizes, knows how to learn, and reasons) Personal Qualities (Displays responsibility, self-esteem, sociability, self-management, and integrity and honesty)
Five Workplace Competencies Resources: Identifies, organizes, plans and allocates resources Interpersonal: Works with others Information: Acquires and uses information Systems: Understands complex interrelationships Technology: Works with a variety of technologies
What does all this Mean? Preparing the 21st Century Professional to Write in the Workplace
Technical Writing and the Academy The Stakes are Higher Technical writing is a natural partner to academic writing. It is descriptive, creative, and expository, but the format is different and the standards are higher. Technical writing requires 100% accuracy.
Examples of Technical Writing Action Plans Description Advertisement Diagram, Chart, or Graph Agenda Editorial Audit Report Email Book Review Feasibility Report Brochure Field Test Report Budget Incident Report Business Letter Informational Form Business Plan Informational Poster Catalog Informative Summary Contract Instructions Critique Interview Questions Data Book or Display Itinerary
Examples of Technical Writing Job Application Product Comparison Job Description Proposal Lesson Plan Questionnaire Letter of Inquiry Research Report Letter of Recommendation Résumé/Portfolio Magazine/Newspaper Article Scientific Paper/Report Marketing Plan Survey Memo Test Meeting Minutes Transcription Newsletter Training Manual Observation Report Travel Guide Performance Evaluations Web Page Persuasive Proposal Work Order Position Paper
What is the Purpose of Technical Writing? Technical writing is the delivery of technical information to readers in a manner that is adapted to their needs, level of understanding, and background. Technical writing is intended to communicate to a specific audience, for a specific purpose.
Translating Technical Information In a world of rapid technological development, people are constantly falling behind and becoming technological illiterates. As a technical writer, you need to write about the area of specialization you know and plan to write about in such a way that even Granddad can understand.
Effective Technical Writing Process The writing process is effective . . . and easy. All that you need to do is three things: Prewrite (about 25 percent of your time) Write (about 25 percent of your time) Rewrite (about 50 percent of your time)
Technical Writing Is important to success in business Lets you conduct business Takes time Costs the company Reflects your interpersonal communication skills Often involves teamwork