Exam 1 Review Chapters 1-6 Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Chapter 1 & 2 Chapter 2 Chapter 1 Major Earth Systems Geology Geologic System Open Closed Hydrologic System River or Fluvial Systems Glacier Groundwater Eolian System Tectonic System Hot Spots-mantle plumes Subduction zones Transform Boundaries Spreading Centers Gravity and Isostasy Observations –mostly water planet Chapter 1 Geology Earth’s Major Layers Crust Mantle Outer Core-Liquid Inner Core Differentiated Uniformitarianism Major Earth Features Figure 1.5 Figure 1.6 Age of Earth: 4.5 Billion Years
Chapter 3 Mineral Chapter 3 Softest and Hardest Mineral Limestone is made of Calcite Best Cleavage Mica Muscovite Biotite Chapter 3 Mineral Matter Mineral Formation Chemical Classes Silicates Sulfates Halides Carbonates Oxides Sulfides Chemical Bonds Ionic Covalent Mineral properties Luster Hardness Streak Structure – Habit Cleavage Three major rock types Igneous Sedimentary Metamorphic
Chapter 4 Igneous Rock Classification Utramafic-Peridotite Texture Aphanitic- fast cooling Porphyritic – slow cooling composition Utramafic-Peridotite Volcanic Extrusive Rhyolite Andesite Basalt Plutonic Intrusive Granite Diorite Gabbro Melting Rock Origins of magma melting source where formed Magmatic differentiation Forms of intrusions Fractional Crystallization Composition of early vs. late formed crystals Continental Vs. oceanic Major Zones of igneous Activity spreading Centers Mafic Basalts gabbros subduction zones Intermediate Andesite diorite partial melt subducting ocean plate Intraplate mantle plumes (hotspots)
Chapter 5 Sedimentary rocks and the rock cycle Classification Siliciclastic (Clastic-Detrital) Chemical and biochemical Sedimentary environments Continental Shoreline-Coast Marine Clastic vs. Chemical biochemical Structures Stratification-bedding mud cracks, ripples, cross bedding, graded bedding bioturbation Sequences Sedimentary rocks product of Parent rock Climate Agent and distance of transportation Environment of deposition Burial and diagenesis heat, pressure, chemical alteration Compaction Cementation Lithification Types of sedimentary rocks Conglomerate Sandstones arenites Arkoses Siltstone Claystone / shale Limestone Dolostone/dolomite Evaporites Salt gypsum Coal Sedimentary - Bituminous Metamorphic - Anthracite
Chapter 6 Metamorphic Grade Regional Metamorphism Low grade High grade Temperature and Pressure Parent rock Composition Metamorphic facies Plate tectonic and metamorphism Metamorphic P-T paths Spreading centers – metabasalts Subduction zones- mélange and blue schists Continent Ocean Convergence Continent to continent Collisions Ophiolites exhumation Causes of metamorphism Heat Confining pressure due to burial Directed pressure due to tectonics Fluids, chemical alteration Types of metamorphism Regional Contact Seafloor (metasomatism) Burial High & ultra high pressure Shock Textures and types Foliated Slate, phyllite, schist, gneiss & migmatite Unfoliated (granoblastic) Hornfels marbles, greenstone ampibolite, porphyrpblast: garnet and staurolite