New York State Career and Technical Education Family & Consumer Sciences
Advocacy Where we have been Where we are going Playing your part
Difficult to Separate Advocacy Public Relations Image
Advocacy The active support of an idea or cause expressed through strategies and methods that influence the opinions and decisions of people and organizations Association for Progressive Communications This will be our working definition—goes beyond public relations because the goal is to influence others to join your “cause.” Next few slides will be a “crash course” in advocacy.
Public Relations the professional maintenance of a favorable public image by a company or other organization or a famous person. the state of the relationship between the public and a company or other organization or a famous person. "companies justify the cost in terms of improved public relations"
Image a representation of the external form of a person or thing in art
What are you Already Doing? Share Reproduce Improve/tweak Do one more thing
Where We Have Been? 1980’s Home and Career Skills 1990’s continued Home and Career Skills 2006 FACS/FCCLA Strategic Plan 2011 SED Advocacy Strategies 2013 CTE FACS Strategic Plan 2014 NYSACTE Advocacy Activities Peter Carr Barrett Associates 2015 Career Pathways and Programs of Study: A Federal Perspective Sharon Miller, Director, Presentation at the NYS CTE TAC Annual Conference
Where Are We Going? Career and Technical Education
What to advocate? Career and Technical Education: Family and Consumer Sciences YOUR PROGRAM!!!! Say Yes to FACS CTE Endorsed Program Multiple pathways Middle School Mandate Support High School Accelerated credit Food Science Art credit Parenting Requirement
Playing Your Part What are you already doing What can you do fast and easy What you could do with a little/lot time/effort What you can do with a partner or team
Advocate to who? Students Parents Guidance Administration Other disciplines Family Neighbors/friends Who else………………..
What can I do NOW? Image Vocabulary Career and Technical Education Self Classroom Teaching Strategies Vocabulary Career and Technical Education Family and Consumer Sciences
What can I do NOW? What am I good at? Bulletin boards Power points Articles Classroom Strategies Public Presentation Other ………….
What can I do NOW? What is my specialty? Introduction to Process Skills Communication Skills Leadership Skills Management Skills Thinking Skills Introduction to Content Topics Career Development Clothing Management Community Connections Consumer Resource Management Family/Parenting Financial Management Human Development Interpersonal Relationships Nutrition and Wellness
What can I do NOW? Activities in/out of classroom Meetings, Committees Professional Development Project Based Learning Service Learning Student Leadership Other…………..
Resources NYSED NYS Board of Regents New York State Assembly New York State Senate
Best Practice Conference November 7, 2015 Syracuse Are you presenting? Attending?
Family, Career and Community Leaders of America Professional Development Opportunity Teachers, students, advisors November 13-15, 2015 Owego Treadway Inn Hotel and Conference Center, Owego, NY State Advisor Karen Thomas:
CTE CONFERENCE 2016 Tuesday, June 28th and Wednesday, June 29th,2016 Desmond Hotel Albany Are you presenting? Attending?
Thoughts/Questions Consistency Logo (tag line) Message