New Attendance Clerk Training


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Presentation transcript:

New Attendance Clerk Training Tonya Main PEIMS Support Specialist

Purpose and Responsibility Texas Public schools are funded based on student attendance. When eligible students are present, we are funded. When eligible students are absent, we are not funded. When students are ineligible, we are not funded. Attendance Clerks are the gate keepers of the campus. While all final decisions are in the hands of the administrator, Attendance Clerks facilitate the process.

What is it? TSDS: Texas Student Data System- State system program implemented in 2015 for submission of PEIMS files PEIMS: Public Education Information Management System- Collection of data from public schools and charter schools for Texas Education Agency as outlined in the TEDS Data Standards used to determine amount of funding provided by the state. TEDS: Texas Education Data Standards-Outlines and defines the data requirements for PEIMS UID: Unique ID– a 10 digit unique identifying number for TSDS PEIMS issued by TEA for every student and staff member of a public school or charter school TREX: Texas Records Exchange System- Online system by which Texas public schools and charter schools exchange student records SAAH: Student Attendance Accounting Handbook---Rules and regulations concerning student attendance accounting for public and charter school state funding Enrollment Tracking: School districts and charter schools are required to submit on weekly basis, the enrollments and withdrawals of all students to the state enrollment tracking system.

PEIMS Reported 4 times per year 1) Fall “Snapshot”– Last Friday in October. Includes: all students enrolled on the as of date, along with all the special programs they are enrolled in All staff throughout the district and their job class. Teacher information includes the classes they teach and how many students are in the classes. Some staff are reported with minutes of work for their responsibility District proposed budget for the year Students who were enrolled last year, but have not re-enrolled this year in a Texas Public school along with the reasons they are not enrolled. 2) Actual Prior Year Expenditures-- Finance Department information concerning the audited actual expenses for the prior year 3) Summer Submission– end of the current school year. Includes All students enrolled for at least 1 day during the year along with their special programs All attendance totals, absences, with the weighted attendance for the special programs All Discipline in which a student was removed from their class for a time. Course Completion records--- How did the students do in their classes and who their teacher was throughout the year 4) Extended Year Summer School Special Education Summer School LEP PK-KG Summer School Dual Credit Classes earned by High School students

Student Eligibility Who is eligible for enrollment? Age – based on the age of the student on 9/1 of the current school year. Birth Certificates (or some form of identity that includes DOB) is required to substantiate age eligibility KG– Student must be 5 on 9/1 to be eligible for kindergarten. PK—Qualified Students must be 3 or 4 on 9/1 to be eligible for Pre-Kindergarten EE—Students meeting the qualification for the Special Ed Early Education program where age eligibility is based on the program placement. Some Special Ed Students are enrolled for services but are not eligible for Attendance Funding. (refer to the Entry Codes information following) Residence– students must live in the campus attendance zone, or have applied for and been accepted for Open Enrollment , or are in a Special Program that places them in the campus, or have been placed in the campus by administration due to special circumstance or over- crowding in the home campus.

Eligibility: Entry Codes 1-Eligible for Full Day Attendance--- Eligible student is scheduled to attend school for 4 or more hours of instruction each day 2-Eligible for Half-Day Attendance---Eligible student is scheduled to attend school for at least 2 hours but less than 4 hours of instruction each day 3- Transfer Student Eligible for Full Day Attendance---Approved Open Enrollment (from outside the district) or Regional Day School participant student who is scheduled to attend for 4 or more hours of instruction each day 4-Ineligible for Full Day---Students who are scheduled to attend school at least 4 hours each day, but do not meet the eligibility requirements for age, residence, or other circumstance 5-Ineligible for Half-Day---Students who are scheduled to attend school at least 2 hours each day, but do not meet the eligibility requirements for age, residence, or other circumstance 6-Transfer Student Eligible for Half-Day Attendance---Approved Open Enrollment (from outside the district) or Regional Day School participant student who is scheduled to attend for at least 2 hours but less than 4hours of instruction each day 0- Enrolled but not in membership--Students who receive services or are not scheduled to attend school at least 2 hours every day. For more information, please refer to the Skyward-How To Documents-Webpage or the TEA SAAH

Required for Enrollment New Students are those who were not enrolled in Birdville ISD at the end of last year and have not been pre-enrolled this year in the appropriate campus. They can enroll either in person or online using the New Student Online Enrollment system. The required documents are: Parent Identification Proof of Residence: We must know exactly where they live. (exception would be homeless) Utility Bill, Lease, home owners insurance, voters registration card Student Identification: Any student under age 11 enrolling in your campus for the first time, must present a certified copy of the birth certificate. ( We must allow 30 days for this to be presented.) Anyone indicating they cannot produce the Certified Birth Certificate must sign the form letter explaining why. Other proof of age must be presented in lieu of the BC in this case, or if student is older than age 11. Current Immunization Records Applicable Custody/Court Record Prior School records if applicable: proof of student’s grade placement (These can be obtained through records requests) Optional: Social Security Card if used in school records. This link will take you to the district’s list of required documents

Attendance Perfect day All teachers submit their attendance at the correct time There are no teachers absent The Unreported Attendance report is run and is clear Run the Recorded class attendance report and the Official Daily Attendance Report File for the day

Attendance Usual Day Teacher is absent ( create a paper worksheet for the substitute to take attendance) You will enter this attendance in Skyward “By Student” or “By Class” Sign the worksheet and keep on file showing you entered the data The Unrecorded class attendance shows 3 teachers who did not submit their attendance. One of the teachers is the substitute –indicate on the report that it is a substitute and attach the worksheet to the report showing Two of the teachers present, but failed to report-- follow campus procedure and either call the teacher or alert the administrator to get the teacher to submit the attendance. If the teacher cannot submit electronically, have them fill out a paper worksheet that you enter. Follow the directions for the sub. Re-run the Unrecorded class attendance report for the file Run the Recorded Class attendance report Run the Official Daily Attendance Report

Official Attendance Time Time of the day which is the snapshot for attendance. Elementary---10:15 Middle School----9:45 High School---9:30 Shannon---9:45 Afternoon Pk/PPCD-----12:40 NOTE: Teachers must submit their attendance at the snapshot time. There is a slight window surrounding the snapshot time that is allowed by TEA. Students who are not present in school at the Official Attendance Time are considered absent for funding. Example: Official Attendance for Elementary Campus is 10:15 am. Johnny arrives late due to car trouble at 10:20. Johnny can and should attend class, however he must be marked absent for funding for the day. Example: Susie arrives at 10:00 and is in Elementary. Susie can be marked as tardy, but counts as present for funding for the day. Example: Ronnie arrives at school on time, but goes to the nurse at 9am. The nurse calls mom and sends Ronnie home at 9:15. Ronnie is counted absent for the funding for the day. Exceptions-TEA has several exceptions to the above rule, which are listed in the SAAH. Some more common examples are: Doctor’s appointment--- Student is late to school due to a documented face-to-face appointment with a health care provider, but does attend school part of the day, can be counted present for funding. (Does not include tele-doc or online appointments) Student is required to be in Court and attends part of the day or not at all, can be counted present for funding. This does not include student just went to court to be with the parent. The student must be required by the court specifically. Student goes to an appointment to obtain citizenship for themselves (not the parent’s citizenship) For Others, please review the Skyward How To webpage or the TEA SAAH

What is it ? List 2 Walk-in Speech: Student who is enrolled, but not in membership and only receives Speech Therapy services on a limited basis. Student is not scheduled into a class with a teacher Homeless: Student who meets the criteria based on the BISD Residency Questionnaire. In some cases, homeless students can attend a school even though they are not a resident of the school’s zone. Verify with the district homeless liaison. Homebound: Student is enrolled as a half-time or full-time student, but due to health or other issue, receives instruction from a teacher who goes to the home. Student is scheduled into a regular class schedule, but attendance is based on the number of hours the student receives instruction at home each week. CEHI: Compensatory Education Homebound Instruction PRS: Pregnancy Related Services—Pregnant student receives counseling and resource help. Once delivered, student receives homebound instruction for the allotted recovery time. ELL/LEP/ESL/Bilingual: English Language Learners, Limited English Proficient; English as a Second Language; Bilingual SPED: Special Education DAEP: Disciplinary Alternative Education Placement. Student remains enrolled on the home campus and in their regular schedule, but attends classes at the DAEP for a specified number of days. Attendance is entered by the DAEP attendance clerk. JJAEP: Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Placement. Student is withdrawn from the home campus and is enrolled in the JJAEP campus for the specified amount of time. ISS: In-School- Suspension. Student is placed in an ISS classroom at the campus for a day or more. Student is not counted absent if attendance in the ISS room is verified. OSS: Out-of-School Suspension. Student is not allowed to attend school for NO MORE THAN 3 DAYS. Student is marked absent for attendance. Resource/Pull Out class: Student is scheduled into regular classes, but is pulled out of the regular classroom for a period of time by the special teacher for individual instruction. Student is counted present if it is verified that the student was with the special teacher at the official attendance time GATE: Gifted and Talented Education. Student is identified as Gifted and Talented. In 3-5 grade, GATE students attend a special cluster class 1 day each week. They are counted as Present, unless they do not attend either the GATE class or stay at the home campus.

Attendance Clerk Tasks Enroll students Withdraw students Daily attendance Report Membership to Administration Required Reporting Data Quality Elementary and Middle Schools Work with counselors—TREX Maintain the cumulative file Request & Send Records Elementary Scheduling and Report cards

Attendance Clerk Tasks Reports Campus Summary (Contact Hours Report) Daily Attendance Reports Semester Reports Official Daily Attendance Campus Summary (semester) Unrecorded Class Attendance Year-End Reports Recorded Class Attendance Final Student Detail Attendance Worksheets for subs Final Campus Summary Membership Other outlined in end of year meeting tasks Weekly Attendance Reports Attendance Verification-must be done if teachers have not submitted attendance electronically during the week. Other periodic reports Permit Code Report Six Weeks Reports ADA report Student Activity Listing/Record of Program Activity Data Mining Reports Attendance Verification Report Student Detail Report (Daily Register)

Attendance Clerk Tasks Data Reviews for Quality give report to the special program campus coordinator for review and correction. Corrections must be completed for SDR below. Daily Attendance Review and update Attendance Verification Report- Verify tardy students indicated as present or absent based on time of entry give to teacher for review and signature. Collect and send to Technology for audit storage. Student Detail Report (Daily Register)— Verify all teachers classes have submitted or entered attendance Review Entry codes, entry dates, withdrawal dates. Special programs review coding to ensure corrections are made. Update attendance for students in the office or other appropriate area if marked absent by the teacher Campus Summary (Contact Hours Report) Give to special programs to review and sign First and Forth Six Weeks Enrollment Verification Discipline/Attendance Audit– Work with AP or Prin to ensure that attendance and discipline entries match. The last week of the 1st and 4th six weeks. Instruction will be provided at the time. Six Weeks Reports Review Student Activity Listing/Record of Program Activity—

TEAL, TREX and TSDS UID Search TEAL--- Texas Education Agency Login -- State portal for state programs Apply online with TEA Once you get your TEAL account, you will login and apply for the following TREX—Texas Records Exchange System---State program for exchanging student records between Texas public schools and charter schools TSDS UID Search– TEA program that allows you to look up every student/staff member in Texas to view their PEIMS reported demographics and for students’ Enrollment History Directions are posted on the Skyward How To page. Be sure to use your work email address when applying for the programs.

Skyward: Family Access Family Access is the Skyward version of a parent portal. Parents can log in to see attendance, grades, assignments, report cards, etc When a new student is enrolled via NSOE, the parent Family Access credentials can be sent directly to them via auto-email during the approval process. You can provide the information in person if the parent brings you their ID. There is a letter you can print off for individual parents OR the whole campus that will give them their information to take home. See the HOW TO page for instruction. Parents use Family Access: for Online Registration of returning students (includes students who were enrolled at any school at the end of last year, even if they were at a different campus), to enroll new to BISD students using the NSOE button, for example, a new Kindergarten student who has older siblings; to send absence reason message to the attendance office; to update phone number and emergency contact information on a regular basis communicate to teachers via email