Can you imagine …
a company car…
An inspiring place for a meting…
An office of your taste…
A space to rest…
A nice meeting room…
A place to exchange ideas…
Stop dreaming and get back to work ! (and be happy with what you´ve got)
Think Big, Wild, Funny and Different
Good ideas are easy to implement
Obstacles to creativity The fear of making mistakes The fear of making the wrong choise The fear that it will never work The fear of losing face The fear of feeling pain The fear of not being in control The choice of the safe ”NO…” The use of the discouraging ”YES BUT…”
USE MOVEMENT Never say NO… Never say YES BUT… Always say YES AND… Improvisation before planning Spontaneity before reflection
The creative workplace No criticism Spontaneous thoughts are welcome It is expected to act out of character Everybody help each other to look good No matter what you do you will feel safe in the group It is a fun place to be in
Creativity is also to be brave Eller er det biksemad ?