Welcome to Business Systems & Technology ` Welcome to Business Systems & Technology Mr. Sibley Room 902
Why I Can Teach You Long Beach Poly H.S. Long Beach City College CSULB A. A.--Business Admin. CSULB B. S.-Business Admin. --Finance National University Masters in Education Admin. Credential National Board Certified Teacher Candidate
Class Rules Trustworthiness Fairness Respect Caring Do not sell anything in this room. Responsibility Citizenship Respect me & I will respect you The bell does not dismiss you, I do Classroom Rules
When you ask… To go to the bathroom To eat or drink in the classroom
Consequences Class Cut (Truancy) Tardiness Cheating Language Dress Code Phones Detention: 1st time: Freebie 2nd time : 60 min. After that: Saturday Work Study, etc. While suspended it is your responsibility to request work from your teacher.
Grading Scale A+ 99% - 100% A 93% - 98% A- 90% - 92% B+ 88% - 89%