Writing Channel Access Clients


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Presentation transcript:

Writing Channel Access Clients Kazuro Furukawa, KEK (Marty Kraimer, APS)

References EPICS R3.12 Channel Access Reference Manual Detailed reference manual BUT NOT db_access.h cadef.h caerr.h - The CA interface BUT NOT db_access.h db_access.h Horid mess MUST understand before writing robust client Has macros to suppress “run on” code Tutorial Document at LANL

Overview of Talk Explain example client SEVCHK Demonstrates CA macros Demonstrates many flavors of callbacks Does NOT explain details about db_access.h SEVCHK SEVCHK(<function call>,”message”) Macro that checks return codes If error displays message and aborts Used in example DONT use for robust client Other macros for robust clients

Very Simple Example /*caSimpleExample.c*/ #include <stddef.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include "cadef.h" main(int argc,char **argv) { double data; chid mychid; if(argc != 2) { fprintf(stderr,"usage: caExample pvname\n"); exit(1); } SEVCHK(ca_task_initialize(),"ca_task_initialize"); SEVCHK(ca_search(argv[1],&mychid),"ca_search failure"); SEVCHK(ca_pend_io(5.0),"ca_pend_io failure"); SEVCHK(ca_get(DBR_DOUBLE,mychid,(void *)&data),"ca_get failure"); printf("%s %f\n",argv[1],data); return(0);

caExample example specific definitions /*from stdin read list of PVs to monitor*/ #include <stddef.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <cadef.h> #define MAX_PV 1000 #define MAX_PV_NAME_LEN 40 typedef struct{ char value[20]; chid mychid; evid myevid; } MYNODE; example specific definitions Accepts list of PVNAMES from stdin

CA macros Given a chid (Channel ID) the following available static void printChidInfo(chid chid, char *message) { printf("\n%s\n",message); printf("pv: %s type(%d) nelements(%d) host(%s)", ca_name(chid),ca_field_type(chid), ca_element_count(chid), ca_host_name(chid)); printf(" read(%d) write(%d) state(%d)\n", ca_read_access(chid),ca_write_access(chid), ca_state(chid)); } Given a chid (Channel ID) the following available ca_name - name ca_field_type - type as defined in db_access.h ca_element_count - array size (1 for scalars) ca_host_name - INET name of host ca_read_access - Is read access allowed ca_write_access - Is write access allowed ca_state - connected, not connected, etc.

exception/connection callbacks static void exceptionCallback( struct exception_handler_args args) { chid chid = args.chid; MYNODE *pnode = (MYNODE *)ca_puser(chid); long type = args.type;/*type of value returned*/ long count = args.count; long stat = args.stat; printChidInfo(chid,"exceptionCallback"); printf("type(%d) count(%d) stat(%d)\n",type,count,stat); } static void connectionCallback(struct connection_handler_args args) printChidInfo(chid,"connectionCallback"); exceptionCallback Events with no other callback Errors detected in ioc connectionCallback Each connect/disconnect

accessRightsCallback static void accessRightsCallback( struct access_rights_handler_args args) { chid chid = args.chid; MYNODE *pnode = (MYNODE *)ca_puser(chid); printChidInfo(chid,"accessRightsCallback"); } On connect Whenever access rights change

eventCallback monitored events static void eventCallback( struct event_handler_args eha) { chid chid = eha.chid; MYNODE *pnode = (MYNODE *)ca_puser(chid); long type = eha.type; long count = eha.count; if(eha.status!=ECA_NORMAL) { printChidInfo(chid,"eventCallback"); } else { char *pdata = (char *)eha.dbr; printf("Event Callback: %s = %s\n", ca_name(eha.chid),pdata); } monitored events

main - start Reads list of PVs from stdin caExample < file main() { int npv = 0; MYNODE *pnode; MYNODE *pmynode[MAX_PV]; char *pname[MAX_PV]; int status; int i; char tempStr[MAX_PV_NAME_LEN]; char *pstr; while(1) { if(npv >= MAX_PV ) break; pstr = fgets(tempStr,MAX_PV_NAME_LEN,stdin); if(!pstr) break; if(strlen(pstr) <=1) continue; pstr[strlen(pstr)-1] = '\0'; /*strip off newline*/ pname[npv] = calloc(1,strlen(pstr) + 1); strcpy(pname[npv],pstr); pmynode[npv] = (MYNODE *)calloc(1,sizeof(MYNODE)); npv++; } Reads list of PVs from stdin caExample < file

Actual CA calls SEVCHK(ca_task_initialize(), "ca_task_initialize"); SEVCHK(ca_add_exception_event( exceptionCallback,NULL), "ca_add_exception_event"); for(i=0; i<npv; i++) { SEVCHK(ca_search_and_connect( pname[i],&pmynode[i]->mychid, connectionCallback,&pmynode[i]), "ca_search_and_connect"); SEVCHK(ca_replace_access_rights_event( pmynode[i]->mychid, accessRightsCallback), "ca_replace_access_rights_event"); SEVCHK(ca_add_event(DBR_STRING, pmynode[i]->mychid,eventCallback, pmynode[i],&pmynode[i]->myevid), "ca_add_event"); } /*Should never return from following call*/ SEVCHK(ca_pend_event(0.0),"ca_pend_event"); ca_task_exit();

Start and End {Other Code} ca_task_initialize Interface with ca_repeater (connection management) ca_add_exception_event Specifies a callback routine that is called when ca detects problems {Other Code} ca_task_exit Release all resources allocated by CA.

Search Calls buffered until buffer full or ca_pend or ca_flush. ca_search_and_connect(name,pchid, connectionCallback,userarg) ca_replace_access_rights_event(chid, accessRightsCallback) Calls buffered until buffer full or ca_pend or ca_flush. UDP broadcast Each IOC on subnet receives each udp packet TCP connection established to each IOC that has any channels connectionCallback called whenever connection status changes. accessRightsCallback called whenever access rights changes. Given a chid you can always retrieve userarg.

I/O Puts - Many flavors Gets - Many flavors ca_array_put(type,count,chid,pvalues) ... ca_flush_io() Calls are buffered until: buffer full, ca_flush, or ca_pend. ca_put_callback(type,count,chid, pvalue,putCallback,userarg) putCallback called after all records processed because of put complete processing. Gets - Many flavors ca_array_get(type,count,chid,pvalues) ... ca_pend_io(timeout) ca_array_get_callback(type,count,chid,getCallback,userarg) ... ca_pend_event(timeout)

I/O continued Monitors - Many Flavors … ca_add_masked_array_event(type,count, chid,eventCallback,userarg, pevid,mask) Call this once for each channel to be monitored. Mask allows value changes, alarm changes, archival changes … ca_pend_event(timeout) Waits at least timeout seconds

Waiting timeout 0 means wait forever Short time, e.g. .0001 means poll ca_flush_io() Normally called by ca_pend routines Sends any udp/tcp buffers that are not empty ca_pend_io(timeout) Calls ca_flush_io. Waits until timeout OR until all outstanding ca_gets complete. Also waits until ca_search with no callback are satisfied. ca_pend_event(timeout) Processes incoming events for at least timeout seconds. timeout 0 means wait forever Short time, e.g. .0001 means poll

CA with X Channel Access uses select() to wait. File Descriptor Manager can be used. Channel access provides ca_add_fd_registration X provides similar facility

db_access.h Describes the data CA can transfer Hard to understand and use Provides access to data types: string, char, short, long, float, double status, severity, time stamp arrays enums (in ioc both menus and DBF_ENUM fields) complete set of enum choices control, display, alarm limits Alarm Acknowledgment

ezCa - Easy Channel Access Goals Easy to use. Provide non-callback synchronous model. Data Types ezcaByte, ezcaString, ezcaShort, ezcaLong, ezcaFloat, ezcaDouble Basic Calls int ezcaGet(pvname, type, nelem, buff) int ezcaPut(pvname, type, nelem, buff) int ezcaGetWithStatus(pvname,type, nelem,buff,time,stat,sevr) Synchronous Groups int ezcaStartGroup(void) any combination of get and put int ezcaEndGroup(void)

ezCa continued Error Handling Other Groupable Functions ezcaPerror(message) ezcaGetErrorString(message,errorstring) ezcaFreeErrorString(errorstring) Other Groupable Functions int ezcaGetControlLimits(pvname,type,low,high) int ezcaGetGraphicLimits(pvname,type,low,high) int ezcaGetNelem(pvname,nelem) int ezcaGetPrecision(pvname,precision) int ezcaGetStatus(pvname,time,stat,sevr) int ezcaGetUnits(pvname,units) Monitor Functions int ezcaSetMonitor(pvname,type) int ezcaClearMonitor(pvname,type) int ezcaNewMonitor(pvname,type) Others

Starting Your Practice mkdir test1 cd test1 (setenv HOST_ARCH `$EPICS_BASE/../startup/HostArch`) HOST_ARCH=`$EPICS_BASE/../startup/HostArch` export HOST_ARCH USER=`whoami` ; export USER makeBaseApp.pl –t simple test1 cd test1App/src rcp ’user6@COSUN-02:/tmp/f/cat/*’ . gmake cd O.solaris gmake caTest caTest ffred ffreddy ^D gmake caSimple caSimple ffred

Practice Explanation 1 HOST_ARCH=`$EPICS_BASE/../startup/HostArch` export HOST_ARCH assigning a platform name for EPICS software (backquotes around “$EPICS … HostArch” mean “execute it and use the result”) USER=`whoami` ; export USER assigning a user name for EPICS software mkdir test1 ; cd test1 making directory for our test and going into it makeBaseApp.pl –t simple test1 creating environment (directory and config files) for a new EPICS application see the manual “EPICS IOC Applications Building and Source Release Control”

Practice Explanation 2 cd test1App/src rcp ’user6@COSUN-02:/tmp/f/cat/*’ . Copying example files over network from COSUN-02 (single-quotes mean “*” not expanded locally) gmake build application based on the Makefile made by makeBaseApp.pl cd O.solaris ; gmake caTest if you modifed Makefile.Host, you don’t need this step caTest ffred ffreddy ^D executing the software, reading two pv names from stdin