What nation is the song about? What is the message of the song? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cRTHdC7k4uY As you listen to the song, think about this question….. What nation is the song about? What is the message of the song?
Exploring American Nationalism and Identity Social 20
What do Americans share that makes them feel American? American Revolution (1775-1776) Melting Pot Civil War (1861-1865) The American Dream Being Defenders of Democracy
American Revolution http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HwWi0zdF7wk
Causes of the Revolution Britain was the most democratic country in Europe and the 13 colonies expected democratic treatment. However George III wanted to rule with an absolute monarchy. The British colonies were opposed to this.
Causes of the Revolution The mercantile system said that the colonies should support Britain economically. Tax was introduced to many products that were shipped to America. The American colonies were opposed to this Tax. Many people were willing to try revolution.
Causes of the Revolution Many colonies were already allowed to govern themselves. Many colonists wanted to make America entirely independent from Britain. Other countries had immigrants that settled to America as well (Germany, France, Sweden, and the Netherlands). They were not loyal to Britain and wanted revolution.
Preparation for Revolution Before the actual outbreak of revolution many of the colonists were mentally prepared to separate from Britain. John Adams said “The Revolution was accomplished before the war began”. In the Declaration of Independence of 1776, the British colonists declared their independence from Britain.
Declaration of Independence People are created equal and have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The government is derived from the people, and when a government no longer protects the rights of the people it should be abolished. The declaration was a revolutionary document, written to stir the minds of people and to help bring about great changes. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yb7MI8NQLoo&feature=relmfu
The Results of the American Revolution Has been given the nickname “The Shot Heard Around the World” The Americans formed a new government with branches similar to Montesquieu’s writing on separation of powers.
The Results of the American Revolution The Bill of Rights guaranteed that people had individual rights and freedoms. The Constitution of 1787 has influenced constitutions in all parts of the world and the basic framework is used in most democratic nations throughout the world. Set an example that a revolution of freedom was possible and that a government could be established without a monarch.
Melting Pot This is the idea that all who came to the US, regardless of ethnicity, religion, etc, would form a “new man”, an American. This leads to the idea that all new immigrants will assimilate themselves into this ideal “man”
Civil War This was an armed conflict between North (Union) and South (Confederates). Originally it was over the question over sovereignty and the freedom of states to make decisions for themselves, politically and economically Eventually the issue of slavery came to the center of the conflict. Abraham Lincoln emancipated (freed) the slaves. There are still unresolved issues from this conflict that affect US society today.
“I Have a Dream……” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=smEqnnklfYs&safety_mode=true&persist_safety_mode=1&safe=active
The American Dream This is based on the optimism that any person can attain prosperity in the US despite where they come from. You can reach you goals through hard work and your social and economic class does not matter. This is a core belief in the US.
Defenders of Democracy Americans see themselves as defenders of democracy and values they see as American. From WWII to the Invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan to the unrest in Libya, the Americans have gotten involved in conflicts to protect the ideals of democracy This notion explains what the US sometimes does in the world Isolationism Interventionist