Free Verse Term 4 English
Free Verse Free verse is poetry that does not necessarily have rhymes or rhythm. In free verse, your lines can be as long as you want, they don’t have to rhyme, and they don’t have to follow any type of pattern. Your free verse poem needs at least three stanzas, both four lines each.
Examples of a Free Verse I never rode a horse before, Until that sweltering August day Riding through the New England woods The horse was swatting flies with her tail And I was helping, trying hard to swat flies with my hand That was when I discovered how reins Are not like steering wheels, For no matter which way I turned or pulled She would only go to the barn.
Examples of a Free Verse I’m staying home from school today I’d rather be in bed Pretending that I have a pain That’s pounding in my head. I’ll say I have a stomach ache I’ll claim I’ve got the flu I’ll shiver like I’m cold And hold my breath till I’m blue
Examples of a Free Verse I’ll fake a cough, I’ll fake a sneeze I’ll say my throat is sore If necessary I can through A tantrum on the floor I’m sure I’ll get away with it Of that, there’s little doubt But, even so, I really hope My students don’t find out
Student Examples of a Free Verse I wonder what adventures I’ll have at home today I can be a princess in a castle Or a soldier going to war I can pretend I’m a pirate Stealing and finding gold and wanting more I can be an illustrator, an artist Drawing and painting pictures on the wall Or a quiet little mouse that is very small
Student Examples of a Free Verse I wonder what I’ll be today I wonder what adventures I’ll have had When the pretending is all over I’ll be very quite sad ‘Until tomorrow,’ I say aloud With as much joy and pride What will I be tomorrow I can’t wait until tomorrow has arrived