Luminous Cows MOOOO!
Light curriculum content Sun Shadow Colours Sources Reflection Energy Pre-school
Light curriculum content Sun Shadow Colours Sources Reflection Energy Sight (source reflaction eye) Refraction Importance organism Society Pre-schoolPrimary school
Light curriculum content Sun Shadow Colours Sources Reflection Energy Sight (source reflaction eye) Refraction Importance of organisms. Society Diffusion Speed of light Optics Wave/particle Solar cells Pre-schoolPrimary school Secondary school
Expected Outcomes Get the children to know and become aware of the concept of: Sun - day & night, heat, light source, seasons Shadow - need of light, objects Colours – different colours, mixing, rainbow Sources - sun, lamps, torch etc Reflection - mirror, prismas, cds etc Energy – the relation between the sun and the food, heat and energy source Pre-school
Expected Outcomes Get the children to know and become aware of the concept of: Sun - day & night, heat, light source, seasons Shadow - need of light, objects Colours – different colours, mixing, rainbow Sources - sun, lamps, torch etc Reflection - mirror, prismas, cds etc Energy – the relation between the sun and the food, heat and energy source Primary school Get the children to know and become aware of the concept of: Sight (source reflaction eye) Refraction – conduct experiments Importance of organisms - photosynthesis, germination. Society - discussing solutions to problems.. E.g. light pollution Primary school
Expected Outcomes Get the children to know and become aware of the concept of: Sun – source energy, light and describe the activitys inside Shadow – can construct shadow using geometry Colours – can link colors and wavelenghts Sources – identify Reflection – can construct geometricly Energy – E=hf secondary school Get the children to know and become aware of the concept of: Sight working of eyes and cameras Refraction – n1* sin a1 = n2 * sin a2 Importance of organism – carbon cycle Society - importance in cultures Get the children to know and become aware of the concept of: Diffusion light is diffuse Speed of light has a limit Optics can work with basic optic formulas Wave/particle know the duality Solar cells can describe the working Secondary school
Activities Sun - day & night, temperature Shadow - chasing shadwos, Plato´s allegory, projector game Colours – Newton´s disc, kominations of colours (finger painting), milk experiment Sources - recognition of light sources Reflection - experiment with mirrors, prismas, cds and other reflecting materials Energy - solar panel
Activities Sun - day & night, temperature Shadow - chasing shadwos, Plato´s allegory, projector game Colours – Newton´s disc, kominations of colours (finger painting), milk experiment Sources - recognition of light sources Reflection - experiment with mirrors, prismas, cds and other reflecting materials Energy - solar panel Primary school Sight – Light Paintings using cameras and torches. Refraction – Put pencils in glass bowls of water. Importance of organisms – Compare the effect of light on the growth of seeds. (1 in dark and 1 in light) Society - Role-play using Jigsaw Method. 6 characters, each has a different opinion on the matter. The children debate about a solution to the problem.
Activities Sun - day & night, temperature Shadow - chasing shadwos, Plato´s allegory, projector game Colours – Newton´s disc, kominations of colours (finger painting), milk experiment Sources - recognition of light sources Reflection - experiment with mirrors, prismas, cds and other reflecting materials Energy - solar panel Primary school Sight – Light Paintings using cameras and torches. Refraction – Put pencils in glass bowls of water. Importance of organisms – Compare the effect of light on the growth of seeds. (1 in dark and 1 in light) Society - Role-play using Jigsaw Method. 6 characters, each has a different opinion on the matter. The children debate about a solution to the problem. Practical assignments Normal teaching Discussions Research based Secondary school
Basic Topics - methodology Discovery Learning Guided participation (Vygotsky) Constructivism Zone of proximal development (Vygotsky) Active Learning Sociocultural theory (Vygotsky)
Teaching Materials Sun - day & night, temperature Shadow - chasing shadows, Plato´s allegory, projector game Colours – Newton´s disc, kominations of colours (finger painting), milk experiment Sources - recognition of light sources Reflection - experiment with mirrors, prismas, cds and other reflecting materials Energy - solar panel
Teaching Materials Sun - day & night, temperature Shadow - chasing shadwos, Plato´s allegory, projector game Colours – Newton´s disc, kominations of colours (finger painting), milk experiment Sources - recognition of light sources Reflection - experiment with mirrors, prismas, cds and other reflecting materials Energy - solar panel Primary school Sight – torches, camera & dark classroom. Refraction – Clear, glass bowls (x5), water & pencils. Importance of organisms – 2 trays of soil (x5), seeds, water, dark cupboard & cotton wool. Society - 6 different characters on different colured cards & story with a problem. E.g. Power plant, light pollution, etc.
Teaching Materials Sun – torch, thermometer, globe, objects with differnet colours Shadow – objects with different sizes and shapes Colours – Newton´s disc, finger painting colours, milk, food colours etc Sources – torch, lamps, lasers, projector Reflection - mirrors, prismas, cds and other reflecting materials Energy - solar panel, propellor Primary school Sight – torches, camera & dark classroom. Refraction – Clear, glass bowls (x5), water & pencils. Importance of organisms – 2 trays of soil (x5), seeds, water, dark cupboard & cotton wool. Society - 6 different characters on different colured cards & story with a problem. E.g. Power plant, light pollution, etc. Multimedia (computer, applets, video, etc.) Experiments (mirrors, lenses, lamps etc.) Books Secondary school
Teaching Competencies Have clear and effective explanations. Be a good organiser. Be an effective communicator. Delegate responsibility to the children. To be fair. To reflect on childrens contributions. To listen and encourage students to do questions. To be open-minded, supportive, creative, responsive, engaging To be able to stimulate and challange every child in all their skills and in every subject Work democratically Have observations skills Make every child participate Work thematicly – integrate subjects. Knowledge of the subject Very important
Suggestions to Parents The teacher can provide an after-school workshop to parents advising them on how to promote scientific thinking at home. Allow parents to link the childrens work to the school website, blog, information letters etc Encourage parents to use scientific vocabulary at home. Encourage parents to conduct simple experiments at home. E.g. mirror writing, mirroetunnel, etc.
Suggestions to Parents Child FamilySchool Bare with us!
Suggestions to Universtiy Teachers Collaborative group work because it promotes cooperation. Encourage the practice of experiments using everyday materials. Develop teacher competencies in student teachers. Hold regular debates to develop scientific argumentation skills. Involve the students in as many of the activities that the children will do so that they can experience a childs perspective. Multicultural and ethnical education Cooperate with different companies eg Computer design/programs
Teaching Evaluation Teacher evaluate their own teaching on a continuous basis. Observing, questions to get feedback of what the children understand and then we evaluate our work in order to adjust our teaching to the needs of our children.
Learning Evaluation Observe children during group work. Observe pupil understanding from debates and discussions. Children fill out self-evaluation questionnaire. Thank you!
The sustainability generation What needed to function properly in this society: 21st century skills Collaboration Communication Ict literacy Social and cultural competences Creativity Critical thinking Problem solving
Links to important websites Irish Primary Curriculum – Science ysikes_epistimes/analytiko_programma.html ysikes_epistimes/analytiko_programma.html ublications? bok%2Fwpubext%2Ftrycksak%2FBlob%2Fpdf2 704.pdf%3Fk%3D ublications? bok%2Fwpubext%2Ftrycksak%2FBlob%2Fpdf2 704.pdf%3Fk%3D2704