Configuring the Peripheral Crates Fred Borcherding
Outline of pcrate config Pages Start with RCMS Start the pcrate configuration process Open the pcrate configuration XDaq page in browser The Yellow Page The Green Page The boards / slots The MPC Status Utilities The CCB The DMB & CFEBS Tests utilities The TMB, RAT and ALCT Monitor TMB trigger Utils Chamber tests The TTC TTCci LTC
LTC – Local Trigger Control The LTC controls the L1As Can be set for cosmic triggers Can be set for random triggers
LTC View with the L1As ENABLED But no L1As generated Note the orbit and L1A counters
Configuration Chooser Clicking on Configuration Chooser brings up a view of the directories Clicking on Commissioning brings up the configuration processes
Starting the pcrate process The Commissioning directory has 5 processes Click on startPCrate
Click on Create to create the process If you get a message that it already exists Click on Attach
If it was just created, you next have to Initialize it Click on Initialize
Do NOT configure – you can click on Status Table
Status Table for Configure Clicking on the link on the rhs will give you XDAQ pages BUT you should use the Bookmarks instead to go directly to the page (or copy the link) Going from the status page gives you a truncated version of the browser without bookmark tabs plus other undesirable features (BAD)
Yellow Page This is the famous Yellow Page The Yellow page is the Home page for all configuration work From the top part you can work on ALL pcrates at once From the lower part you can pick a single pcrate and work on that whole crate Or you can go into that crate and work on individual pcrate boards on CSC and the on-chamber boards
Overview of the Green Page The green page lists the 21 crate slots and their contents Not all boards need show up on this page The xml (db) for this pcrate is used to draw the board options The slots above 21 were used for special whole crate features – they also must be set up by the xml (db)
Green Page Detail There are 6 pcrate board types Slot 1 VCC Slot 12 MPC Slot 13 CCB TMB > other even slots RAT > linked to TMB behind the crate and not shown here DMB > other odd slots
ALCT & RAT Status << RAT Status \/ ALCT Status
Radioactive Trigger 0ALCT > 1of6 layers ALCT fired 13CLCT > 1of6 layers of CLCT pre-trigger fired 17TMB ALCT & CLCT matched
After DMB Test All