Kennis (P3), Marian (P4), Kevin (P5) CO-TEACHING
Co-Teaching Elements Circulating in the classroom Eye contact and signalling Modelling Role allocation Echoing Transition, Timing and pacing Classroom management Clarifying and restating Praising Scribing Modifying
1. Circulating in the Classroom If Teacher A is in the front; Teacher B will be at the back; If A is on the left side of the classroom, B will be on the right side. It is important to watch where the other teacher is in the classroom and try to complement their presence.
2. Eye Contact and Signalling Maintaining eye contact with each other is critical in the team teaching classroom. E.g. Teacher A can signal Teacher B using eye contact about the situation happening near Teacher A.
3. Modelling Both teachers demonstrate how to conduct an activity together. Students can also be involved in the modelling.
4. Role Allocation It is important that teachers are clear about the roles they take in lessons. To support this: Include role allocation in lesson plan Have individual conversations with the Process Writing teachers before Clarify before the lesson
5. Echoing This is useful in choral pronunciation Provides students with an alternative form of pronunciation and reinforcement.
6. Transition, Timing and Pacing To keep the pace of the class going smoothly, teachers should always keep an eye on each other and the clock.
7. Classroom Management Co-teachers should establish a consistent set of guidelines on acceptable behavior Agree on consistent consequences for students who disrupt the class. (e.g., going to the back if they speak Chinese during English games)
8. Clarifying and Restating While Teacher A delivers a part of the lesson, Teacher B adds to the lesson by asking questions for clarification, stating important information, giving examples (sometimes with simpler words, recently learnt language structures, actions, …)
9. Praising Teacher A is leading questioning, Teacher B can praise students for their responses Teacher B can reward groups on the blackboard.
10. Scribing While Teacher A is delivering a part of a lesson, Teacher B uses the chalk board or chart paper to record important information.
11. Modifying Changing the language level to suit the needs of different students. English teachers should modify lessons with Process Writing teachers to ensure their students will understand (based on their ability)
Bear in Mind!!! It is not a general education classroom with one “real” teacher and one who serves as “the help” or “an extra set of hands.”