Hybrid Pitching Stance
Legal/Illegal Pitching Position 6-1-2 For the wind-up position, the pitcher is not restricted as to how he shall hold the ball. A pitcher assumes the windup position when his hands are: (a) together in front of the body; (b) both hands are at his side: (c) either hand is in front of the body and the other hand is at his side. The pitcher’s non-pivot foot shall be in any position on or behind a line extending through the front edge of the pitcher’s plate.
Legal Pitching Positions PlayPic® PlayPic® In this illustration, the non-pivot foot is in a legal position. The non-pivot foot can be moved forward to a point where just a small portion of the pitcher’s heel is on the imaginary blue line and still be legal. Summary – to be legal, ANY portion of the Non-pivot foot must be ON OR BEHIND the imaginary blue line extending through the front edge of the pitcher’s plate. The windup is one of two legal pitching positions. For the windup, the pitcher’s non-pivot foot shall be in any position on or behind a line extending through the front edge of the pitcher’s plate.
Legal/Illegal Pitching Position 6-1-3…For the set position, the pitcher shall have the ball in either his gloved hand or his pitching hand. His pitching hand shall be down at his side or behind his back. Before starting his delivery, he shall stand with his entire non-pivot foot in front of a line extending through the front edge of the pitcher’s plate and with his entire pivot foot in contact with or directly in front of and parallel to the pitcher’s plate.
Legal Pitching Positions PlayPic® PlayPic® Legal - entire pivot foot must be in contact with or in front of and parallel to the pitching plate and entire non-pivot foot must be in front of an imaginary (blue) line extending through the front edge of the pitcher’s plate. Note – pitcher’s free (non-pivot) foot can be in any position as long as it is in front of the front edge of the rubber. It does NOT have to be within the width of the rubber. The set is the other legal pitching position. For the set position, a pitcher’s entire non-pivot foot must be in front of a line extending through the front edge of the pitcher’s plate and the entire pivot foot must be in contact with or in front of and parallel to the pitching plate.
Illegal Pitching Position PlayPic® PlayPic® Windup position: Illegal due to NON-PIVOT FOOT entirely in front of imaginary (blue) line extending through the front edge of the pitcher’s plate. Set position: Illegal due to ENTIRE PIVOT FOOT must be in contact with or in front of and parallel to the pitching plate. Penalty: With no runner(s) on base – illegal pitch. With a runner on base – balk. The violation occurs once the pitcher makes any movement committing him to pitch. A number of pitchers are starting a pitch from this hybrid position. This position is illegal since it does not meet the criteria of either the windup or set position.
Legal/Illegal Pitching Position Reminders: As a unit, our enforcement must be uniform. If you see a “hybrid stance” during warm-ups and are in a position to correct it, do so with the pitcher’s head coach. Use discretion and common sense re: non-pivot foot in windup position. If enforcement is required, address the violation immediately.