Solent NHS Trust and Southampton City Council


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Presentation transcript:

Solent NHS Trust and Southampton City Council 0-19 Integration Solent NHS Trust and Southampton City Council

The Vision The 0-19 Integration is to deliver the vision for Children and Families in Southampton City. This vision is that Southampton is a City where children get a good start in life, are able to fulfil their full potential and become successful adults who are engaged in their communities. We also want to ensure that children and their families have access to health services which meet their needs at the right time and in the right way. An integrated Early Help service for children 0-19, where parents and families can access services with ease. We would welcome your support on building our vision and would like to engage with you during our process for your input. We would really welcome your involvement in creating our new service and how you could support us in the delivery of our vision to ensure children in Southampton get a good start in life.

How we plan to deliver our vision Create, develop and implement new digital solutions to help parents and young people to help themselves to appropriate information based on their individual needs. Further development of a new pre-birth-19 Healthy Child Programme. Re-shape our workforce to best meet the needs of our pre-birth-19 families An early childhood offer and a ‘5-19’ offer Where possible and appropriate, services and workforce co-ordinated and co-located. Potentially in a ‘family hub’ setting. Provision of services along Southampton's ‘Continuum of Need’. Integration of the ‘Families Matter’ programme to help and support those families who need it most.

Where are we now? In process of designing our phased delivery of an integrated service. Designing an engagement plan to ensure our design and delivery is a fully integrated effort across our key stakeholders. Recruited a Head of the 0-19 integrated service and in process of identifying integrated team managers to begin the process of aligning our staff into one integrated service. Creating a workforce plan to ensure our new service can meet the needs and demand of families requiring Early Help services.

The Timescales The full integrated service will be launched by 2020, though we will take a phased approach to minimise disruption to staff and service users, by doing this, you will begin to see some of the integrated service live much earlier than 2020. We aim to go to public consultation on any service changes in 2018 to ensure our service users are fully aware and are able to contribute to the development of our service. Where appropriate, we will look to provide our services from the same location to provide ease of access for service users.

The Benefits of Integrating The benefits of the integration include: a more coordinated offer of support; more efficient and effective processes; potential rationalisation of buildings usage and organizational infrastructure; improved training and whole workforce planning; improved consistency and efficiency of management and supervision; improved accountability; a new culture of integrated working and joint ownership of health, social care and educational outcomes, regardless of organisational background.